I try to escape hell itself

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After he told me his name, I remembered what had happened. What happened was you didn't listen to Deborah's "cautionary tale."  Not entirely false. I had gotten injected. No shit Sherlock. Ben left soon after, his boss, the infamous Nelson Syphus, had needed him for something. So I laid there. In indescribable pain. Unable to do anything. A doctor, if that was what you call them, came in every day or so. I couldn't really tell, when was day or when was night. But it did get quieter at one point every day so I assumed it was night. Though I felt sick enough that I could fall asleep anytime. As the days went on the pain numbed. When I stirred it  wasn't a sharp, sudden pain, it had begun to be an aching one. I still hadn't even tried to speak, my throat still hurt more than I would've liked. The "doctors" asked how I was feeling, to which I continuously answered with a shake of my head, it was all I could really do. 

At one point I was able to move my left arm. It hurt, but I immediately started to touch whatever was on my face. It was bulky, mechanical as I had guessed, and had tubes attached, connecting to a few of those freezing vials. I moved my hand to the bandage around my eyes. It was soaked through with something, blood, I guessed because of the consistency. This all went to hell when a doctor came in and told me that the bandages were going to be removed. I was, excited? Sure I wanted to see where I was, but what if there's something terrible that is a result of that? I hate not knowing things. 

I nodded. They carefully peeled the gauze back and I soon felt the weight lift. 

"Open your eyes, slowly." The man said.

Like I can do this quickly. I did as he instructed, opening my stinging eyes bit by bit. The light in the room made me wince a tiny bit, but nothing too major, well, except for the fact that everything was red. Wherever I looked, everything had a red tint to it. The man frowned. I guess I  had an accusatory reaction because he explained further.

"That's going to be permanent. The redness."I nodded," Here." He pulled out a pair of goggles from the drawer that I had previously heard open. I lifted my head up as he fastened the goggles around my head. It surprisingly made quite a difference. They, as well, felt bulky. But at least I could see. 

Permanent. The word hung over me. I didn't even want to know what I looked like. But if I looked half as bad as I felt, I'm not dating anytime soon. 

I was now able to tell what time it was. The room I was in looked like a pretty normal hospital room. White walls, random equipment.  There was a mirror over on the left side of the room (From where I was sitting), and a clock on the right. It was currently 3:45, PM I guessed.

Day by day I got better at moving. I started forming a plan in my head. Once I could run and fight, I was going to escape this hellhole. When a doctor would come in, they could see if I could stand up or walk. I never showed them what I was actually capable of, hence would destroy the plan. 

I was planning to escape that day. I was siting on the edge of my bed, staring at the clock. 4:34,4:45. I watched as the minuets counted up. As soon as it hit 5, I was out of here. 4:59, come on... Just then I heard someone walk in the room. Shit. I turned my head. It was Benjamin. Of all the things that could've happened, YOU showed up. I'll fight him if I need to.

Why would you need to fight me?

Who knows? I'm just saying I will.

He looked over towards the mirror and he started shifting from foot to foot.

Have you looked in the mirror?

I don't want to know how bad I look.

"You're supposed to come with me" he said. I reluctantly stood up. Well, here goes nothing.

 As soon as we were in the hall I made a dash for it. Benjamin seemed to know what I was planning so he was right on my heels. He ended up catching up to me, knocking me into a cart causing multiple things to fall off. I grabbed one of the beakers that had fallen off and smashed it against his head it stunned him for a moment. Two more phantoms came. One grabbed me from behind while the other approached me. In a moment of panic I kicked the second and he slipped, falling, and snapping his neck.

Everything seemed to stop. All I could hear was my ragged, uneven breathing. I didn't mean to. Is he dead? What did I just do? It's not your fault. He's dead because of you. He deserved it. No he didn't. Why did you do that? I don't know. You're a monster. Just like they said you were. No, it's not true. It was an accident. Was it? Or did you want to kill him? It wouldn't be the first time, now would it? I- I. I had been dragged to a padded cell, there was one light. I was thrown inside only then was I broken out of my head. The door was slammed shut and locked. What now? 

Do you remember his name?

I swear I could actually hear it. Not in my head, actually hear it.

This was the first time I tried my voice. "Wh- what?"

So she talks? The Copy talks.

"Why are you calling me that?" I asked

It's what you are. You are not from here, not from this timeline, are you?

 A vision of something flashed before me as I remembered something about time travel. But that's impossible right?


So it can hear my thoughts.

I can.

This guy was starting to get on my nerves.

I'm glad. You know, your brain is strangely fortified.

I'm sorry?

It's hard to get into.

Well, read enough fantasy, you'll get the hang of it.

Maybe I will.

What were you saying? About calling me "The Copy".

Oh its simple really. You're essentially your timeline's version of Benjamin.

 Once again I remembered reading that letter Deborah had sent. So what? You're a copy. Nothing wrong with that. Just, that no-one will think of you as your own person. 

They'll think more of you when we're done here. So that wasn't your first kill, was it?

I don't have to say anything.

Fine. I know what happened, as soon as I said those words your mind immediately went to the memory. So how much of it do you regret?

It continued like this for days. I was so tired. I hadn't slept. There was only one way I could get out of here.



Can you here me?!

I'm here. What happened to you? Never mind, I can guess. Where are you?

I don't know. It's a padded cell. That probably doesn't narrow it down. Uh-

No, I know where you are I'm comi-

He went silent.

Ben? Ben?! Shit. What happened.

He won't be bothering you anymore.

My head hurt. I couldn't focus on anything, I was lightheaded, I was hungry. I felt like I was dying. I knew no matter how much I screamed, no-one would hear me. Nor would they help. It felt like my own special room in hell. For me, and whatever this demon was.

The Copy: Project 863Where stories live. Discover now