I Share a Laugh, With a Crazy Person

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(Olivia's POV)

"Now," I cleared my throat," Where were we?"

The man across from me looked confused. I'm assuming this wasn't of whatever plan they had. 

"Relax, I'm not planning to focus on the cards. I have a few questions of my own."

He stayed silent but looked at my phone on the floor where it would pick up the conversation.

"In case something bad happens to me." I explained. He nodded.

"Alright, I'm not from this timeline, I was brought here by Deb." At the mention of Deborah, he straightened. "Anyway, she says I remind her of you, and I want to know why."

He laughed, if that's what you could call it. It was more of a wheeze.

"Yeah." I said. He might be crazy but he knows things.

"So she thinks you're expendable." He stated.

"I thought so."

"It's not smart to be going after answers like this." And you made good choices?

"Maybe.  I figured something would happen to me anyway because I have pretty good theory that based off what you said and what's going on at the studio, Matt, if that's what we're calling him, is behind all of the writings." I let that soak in." I figured Matt would want me dead or something."

He didn't saying anything for a while. Then he spoke up. "You're right about that."

"About what?"

"That you'll probably end up somewhere you don't want to be." It was my turn to laugh.

"You know that from personal experience?" He looked down. Guilty as charged. 

"Mind if I ask you a couple of questions?" What could he want?

"Shoot." I agreed.

"Why are you here right now?" He asked.

"I wanted answers."I said."I don't really have a way to contact Deb nor do I trust her but I don't trust Matt either so, that leaves you. Even with the mind control."

He looked up at me again.

"I know you said you weren't, but do you really expect me to believe that?" Was he smiling? I couldn't tell with the mask.

"You're too smart for your own good." He said.

"I'm flattered." We shared a small, sad chuckle. Neither of us could ignore the footsteps coming from the hallway.

This is the end of the line.

"How much do you remember?" I asked.

"Too much." He said, sighing.

That's when three phantoms burst in to the room. "Told you." I mumbled, not to anyone in particular.

They advanced on me, I was starting to move but they were too quick. One hit me against the wall, hitting my head and making my hearing wonky. One opened Ben's cell and pushed me in, another came at me and tied my hands together and shut the cell door, locking it. The three left the room.

Ben looked stunned, I started to laugh. "That was quick." I got up and walked to where my phone lay on the ground, I left it near the cell just in case. My hands tied together were too big to fit through the bars.

"Mind grabbing that for me?"

He reluctantly got up and grabbed the phone, handing it to me. "Thanks." We sat on opposite sides of the room, neither trusting the other enough.

"Shit." I said. The phone was busted. "Must've happened during the fight."

"Oh, is that what it was?" He sneered.

"It was three guys with serum effects versus one regular person. Did you really expect me to win?" But I was laughing .

I laid back in my corner. We sat in silence for quite a while, waiting for my demise. During this time I tried to turn the phone off and on, I tried every trick in the book. Nothing. I'm screwed. You knew that already. But now I'm doubly screwed. My plan was that I would record the conversation, and send it to Sam or Woods. They would understand. Preferably before I got attacked. I could've done that now, but again, the phone was broken beyond repair.

Finally, I heard a person walk in, I looked at them. It was Matt. With keys in one hand, and a syringe in the other.

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