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(Ben's Pov)

Because Nelson had control over Matt, I got a little heads up about the 'problem.' The original plan was that 'John Doe' would tell Matt to talk to me, he would take Samantha  with him. But that didn't happen. Sam didn't want to go and this girl, Olivia I believe, offered to go. Because Nelson doesn't have full control over Matt, Matt agreed to this. Usually an alteration of this sort wouldn't be a problem, but Olivia is known to get answers one way or another.  She won't allow herself to be persuaded from a subject. All we can do is hope this isn't too much of a problem. 

Nelson briefed me on the questions Matt had prepared and how to answer them. 

Don't answer until he starts to leave, then mention the writing. I mentally agreed.

I sat in the cell some Syntec insiders set up, it was small, but at least it had bars instead of a wall. I couldn't handle that. Not again. I was sitting on the cot, facing the wall. I was resting my arms and head on my knee, I was tired. I was always tired. I couldn't tell if I was zoning out or if Nelson was taking control. It's harder to tell than I'd like to admit.  In some aspects it's gotten better over the years, in others, it's worse. Way worse. 

They walked in. Don't look at them. I reminded myself. My vision stared to blur, it did that when someone controlled by Nelson was around. Matt sat down in the chair across from the cell. 

He said something, I know he did, I couldn't hear it though. After a while he said something else, I heard it this time because Nelson said it along with him.

"See? He's   A natural!" Because I didn't say anything? I just can't hear anything. 

"So." He said. I stirred a little bit, I felt light-headed, like usual. 

"I'm a little confused now man." That makes two of us. Why isn't he asking questions? That was the plan. 

"You were the one who wanted to talk to me."  What? "I came all the way down here, and now you're just not going to talk?" So, I asked for him to be here? Yes. Fine. I'll find a work around. 

"Nice tattoo man. SUPER scary." The tattoo. I turned to look at it. No. The brand. "You do that yourself or?" They did this to they're subjects. Branded them. A reminder of who they are now. A reminder to forget who you were.

"How about this. A soft start. Ease into human contact." Oh shut up. "Human contact".  I hated hearing this sort of stuff. You would think I got used to it. The name calling. The insults. But you never got used to this.

"What is the absalate?" What was that? I heard something, was it from the wall? Why would it be happening again? And why here?

"Do you have anyone you care about on the outside?" Yes. "You know, coming in here, they told me you didn't use your only call."

"She couldn't answer if she wanted to." I said. Nelson made sure of that. She was used as blackmail against me. At least it's what I think happened. 

"Who? Deb?" He asked. No. If she wanted to, she could very well do that. But I doubt she would. 

"You know she's a murderer right?" The words were laced with venom, something Matthias would never do. Of course I do, I was the one who gave you the tape. Begrudgingly.  A memory of the night I talked with Matt in the courtyard came to me. 

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