Final Words

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(Woods' POV)

I said that I would go first. I didn't know of anything we needed to talk about.

"Hey," I said, not knowing how to start the conversation. 

He smiled to himself,"Hey. I'm sorr-"

I cut him off,"Olivia told us about how it was. You didn't have a choice. She really cares about you."

He sighed,"I know. I appreciate that. Woods," he started as I was leaving,"I knew Wesley quite well. And Deborah was right to choose you. You're kind and resourceful, and very protective of those you care about and will go to great lengths to help them. But you also can go too far."

A memory of destroying the Mountaineer after I'd failed Matt came to me. I felt a wave of guilt along with a sense of knowing Ben was right. 

"Be careful." 

I left the room, leaving the door open for the next person.


(Matt's POV)

It looked like he was in pain. He laughed. "I know that look. Don't feel sorry for me."

"Well you certainly deserve a bit of pity." I smiled back to him. 

"Have you taken any antidote yet?"he asked.

I was on the top of the list for a dose when it was done. "No, it's not done yet. They're still ironing out the details. Olivia's been helping over there. Before she'd decided she wanted to do filming and editing, she wanted to do something with chemistry. So she has a bunch of random science stuff in her head. Plus, from her time at Syntec, she kinda got a refresher."

"Be careful," his tone dropped to a serious one,"You don't come across people like you a lot. If anything happens to... him.. you will be in danger. Deborah did a very good job of finding counterparts for each of us, Nelson feels very comfortable in your mind. He used your body to run Syntec for awhile. Everyone there was more scared than usual. Sure, Nelson piloting from anyone is frightening, but when it's that close. You could feel the pride coming off him."

"What are you saying?" my voice was getting stuck in my throat.

"I'm saying that you need to stay conscious. This place would fall apart without you."

With that I stood up from the chair in that room, and left.


(Sam's POV)

I walked in awkwardly, unsure of what I was supposed to say. Thankfully, he started.

"You are quite like her." 

I assumed he meant Deb.

"I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take that," I said shakily. I sat down in the chair next to the couch.

"You're smart and cool headed, and when people deserve it, kind." he paused,"actually, you're kind even when people don't deserve it."

I tilted my head, confused. 

"I watched the 863 videos, I figured I should get a better sense of what I did, when you all found antidote, you said you wanted to cure me. I appreciate the sentiment, that someone thought of saving me. Now, it wouldn't have worked, at least not completely, but it would've helped. I thank you."

"I thought it was the right thing to do."

He laughed."'The right thing to do.' So familiar. Keep the rest of them safe."

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