Silence of the Lambs: Pg version

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I was downstairs in Red looking for snacks since I hadn't had breakfast, when I saw Woods. He called out to me and told me that there were no snacks.

"How did Matt let that happen?" I asked.

"I don't know, he's been neglecting a lot of stuff lately." He responded. "Hey, by the way, are you okay?"

"What?" I said, confused,"Yeah I'm fine. What makes you ask?"

"I know you're usually quiet, but you've seemed distant for a while now." He explained. " I know Matt's different and you can see that, I wondered if he said something."

"No, I haven't really called him out on his new demeanor, except when I talked about the writings. I'm fine" I reassured  him," We should go on a snack run, if no one has anything to do."

"That sounds like a great idea." 

We walked over to Blue when we saw Bailey walking our way.

"Guys! John Doe emailed us back!" Bailey shouted across the lot.

We  hurried over, we didn't want to miss anything.  We piled into Megadesk and waited for Matt to pull it up. We started a chat with John a while ago and we used that to contact him. 

MF——We've been waiting for you to answer back?

He didn't mean to put a question mark on the end.

JD——A lot has been going on, I haven't had a chance to look into the picture you sent, especially with the drop off you made.

So this is about something else. And what drop off, the one we made a VERY long time ago? Is he still looking through that?  No we got that back.

"Does he mean Ben?" Matt asked.

MF—— Do you mean Ben?

Man, that hurts.

"That hurts. Poor Ben." Bailey sympathized.

"No poor Ben." Woods insisted.

JD——That is correct

Rude. They were currently talking about if Ben was even human. And truthfully, I have no idea. But again,  who knows.

MF——Has he been difficult?

"Well he doesn't have access to serum anymore." Sam brought up.

JD——That's actually what I wanted to discuss with you: Benjamin has no intention of talking with us. I'm not surprised but there's only so long we can keep him here, and the patience of the officers interrogating him is thinner than my own.

MF——Iv'e given you everything I have on him, I don't know much more.

JD——I actually have a different work around for this: I want you to come speak with him.

Yes. I don't care if Matt doesn't agree, I'll go. I want to see who Deb thinks I am.

"We should do it." I said." We could get a lot of answers."

MF——Do you think he's going to even talk to us? We were the ones to bring him in.

JD——That's true, but I think he will regardless, yes. Call it a gut feeling.

MF——Why is that?

JD——Because he asked for you. Personally.

MF——You think the picture I sent has anything to do with this?

JD——We can discuss that later, I promise. Getting you an hour with him was a near impossible task, so we would need to move quickly. 

MF——Where are we supposed to go?

"I mean, I'm available, do you guys have anything that can't be pushed back?"

I shook my heads, Woods was free, so was Bailey, Sam said she could move stuff around.

Woods said we could put some serum in a cake. I laughed at that. Poor guy was probably dying from withdrawal. 

JD——I'll email you the address and time to meet. It will be safe, so I don't want you to feel concerned,  but unfortunately, it can only be you.

MF——No deal. My audience goes where I go.

JD——Then I doubt he'll talk.

MF——I think he will.  

JD——And why is that?

MF——Call it a gut feeling.

JD——Very well. I'll forward you the details now.

"I mean you all can come with me, but I guess I'm the only one going in. Camera! Sam?" Matt asked.

"I- I don't know. I don't know if I trust them with my life enough to go." Sam responded, she looked scared.

"I'll go." I said. I used to be main cameraman before it turned into "Whoever-can-can-film". Plus, I wanted answers.

MF——See you there.

And just like that, my fate was sealed. 

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