Am I Dead?

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(Olivia's POV)

Where am I? I tried to open my eyes. Something was wrapped around my head, covering my eyes. Everything hurts. I tried to breathe,  but the air only came in short panicked breaths. Every time I tried to move, I found I couldn't. Due to the immense pain that followed suit. Every "breath" hurt more than the last. Why can't I breathe? Why can't I see? Why can't I move? Where am I? What happened? Why am I here? My train of stressed thoughts was stopped when I heard movement near the side of wherever I was. Whatever was under me felt soft-ish, maybe a hospital bed? Or a couch? I couldn't really focus on anything as the pain only increased.

"Hey, I know it hurts. But please try to take calm breaths. If you do, It'll hurt less." A female voice spoke. How does she know? Clearly she doesn't because if she did she would know that there is no way in Hell I can breathe "Calmly", what is she doing? I heard more rustling. A drawer opening? It closed soon after. She held something to my lips.

"Drink this. It'll help with your breathing." She didn't even wait for a response. She tilted the thing that felt like glass. The glass at my mouth was cold, but as the liquid slid down my throat, it started to burn. What is this? It hurt. This wasn't helping anything. I would've screamed if I could. I couldn't get enough air in to make any noise. I couldn't do anything to stop the burning liquid. Soon after what felt like hours of torture, the glass was pulled away and she put something on my face.

It felt warm compared to the frozen feel of whatever acid I had just ingested. She picked my head up slightly and clicked a button on whatever she was fastening around my head. A whir of mechanical sounding clicks followed soon after.  As she pulled her hand away, my head fell against the pillow, triggering another wave of anguish. 

"Try to breathe in now." She said.  I expected nothing to change. But surprisingly I started to get some air. It still hurt like Hell, and I didn't dare move, but at least I could breathe. 

"Don't try to talk. Your throat is still recovering."I tried a slight nod in response,"Good. If you were wondering why you can't see, your eyes took a pretty nasty hit from the serum." The serum? Was I injected? Why can't I remember? "I haven't seen something that bad in a while." That doesn't sound good. "You know, usually, they give me some heads up for tests and stuff. But they didn't say anything about you. Apparently it was kinda a shot in the dark. Because you weren't a planned subject, they didn't have any information on you. Not height, not weight. None of the stuff that we're supposed to have to keep people safe and alive." Yeah, sure. "Safe." I'm sure that's their major concern. "They used way too much. It's a miracle you're still alive. You should be grateful." Oh really? Because right now, I feel like saying, "To hell with this, I'm dying. See you in hell." Oh God, everything hurts. So. Much. I couldn't really think of anything else. My mind was a constant display of "everything hurts."  How am I even alive? "They were calling you "The Copy". Do you know why?" I shook my head a little bit."Hmm, I don't know either."Just then, someone walked into the room. I heard the door open, then close. 

"Oh, do you need something?" She sounded scared.

"They need you to look at patient 235." The sound was a mechanical gurgled mess.

I could tell she stood up quickly by how her chair made so much noise as she got up. She had left the room but I had only heard one set of footsteps leaving. Which meant the other person was still here. I took notice of how my breathing was still scattered, also sounding strange because of what I'm assuming was a mask on my face.

Footsteps, they were heavy, boots probably. Different from the lady's. Her's sounded like heels. 

"You're still alive?" The voice sounded somewhat familiar. I shook my head painfully. The voice let out a breath. "That is a impressive feat." I part-cough-part-wheeze-part-laughed, which resulted in more painful coughs.

"Heh, sorry." The voice apologized. I swear I could hear someone else. No-one had walked in here, right? Right. 

You should've stopped him. You know I couldn't. Did you hear what they called her? "The Copy." Strange. I wonder why.

Who is that? Hello? You're thinking right now, how would they hear you? Right. Idiot.


Did they actually hear me? How? No that's crazy, they couldn't have. 

Hello?! The voice said again, almost eager to be found.

Please just tell me I'm crazy and I'm not actually hearing anything.

"Did you?..." The other person in the room trailed off. I guess the person did sound like the one in my head.

Maybe I am crazy. 

No, you're not. Can you actually hear me?

I think so.

Is this a trick? The voice sounded unsure.

Trust me, I have no energy nor reason to be tricking you. Whoever you are. The voice said nothing, as if thinking.

"This is going to sound, crazy, but can you hear anyone else in the room?" The person asked.

Time to test my theory. Yes.

Well this is strange. I've never had anyone else in my head except me and N-


It doesn't matter. The point is this is very strange.

You don't say.

Can you talk?

I non-mentally shook my head. This is getting confusing. 

Well this ought to be fun.

Who are you?

You don't recognize me?

I can't see anything. But if you mean by voice, not really.

I guess you would have a bit of memory loss. I am Benjamin. Benjamin Cobalt.

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