I Accuse my Boss

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Sam woke us up at 2:48, then  we went to wake up the rest of them. Megadesk was dark and, I don't know why, Sam acted like a true mom , she turned all the lights on. Blinding us all. Apparently they actually slept well. Imagine.

After waking Shenelle, we had a conference in the area outside the "kitchen". 

Well, "conference" isn't an entirely accurate word. It was  mostly jokes about being to tired to get scared, GG is back (which is truly terrifying thought), and Matt being cranky, which turned into something about Phantom of the Opera, which at the sound of the word "phantom" I had a mini heart attack, when Woods said,

"DON'T SAY THAT WORD.  Opera" These people really are insane.  And you're not? Fair enough. My brain had some good points, sometimes.

After as many jokes it took to kill a man, we reached the decision to look around blue base and then wait for the alerts. An all around solid plan. We started in the blue base Warehouse. Nothing. The Armory door was locked, nothing  inside though. We checked upstairs, nothing. Sam wanted the ghost to draw clues for us. If I'm honest, so did I. If the ghost wants something so bad, just tell us! 2 minuets to 3. Matt got 3 notifications in Red Base.

We ran to Red Base as fast as we could, but before  we could walk in, Matt stopped us. 

"Guys, it already happened,  just stay calm and stay together." As much as that little note helped, I was too damn nervous to care what he was saying. We looked around for a while, nothing, Sam thought she lost her keys. They were in her pocket. There was nothing in Mike's office. On the other stairs we found our first message of the night. (Notice I said first).

"What's Wrong?" What do you think is wrong!? We're being attacked by a GHOST! 

"Is that sarcasm?" Sam asked. I laughed at that. We've got a real class clown here. We were upstairs by this time. We checked the Red Base warehouse next. We definitely found one there. 

It was behind this thing , the thing was wet with the red paint. The writing said "Find Me".

Sam proposed the idea of there's a dead body we need to find. Nobody liked that. Personally? I don't want to have a Tell-Tale-Heart situation here. Maybe this was a person.

"What?" Sam asked. I hadn't realized I said it out loud."How?"

"If it is a person, they could've grabbed the ladder or leaned over the edge, if they have good balance, to write the "What's Wrong?". They also could've written  "Find me" and put whatever that is back in front of it. If done quick enough, it looks like it bled through." I explained.

"What about the cameras? They just appeared."  Matt brought up a good point.

"Well, someone could've gotten access to the cameras and edited the footage." I admit, it's not the most solid explanation, but its the best I got. 

"Only I have access to the cameras." Matt pushed.

"You said you have people who check the footage, they could've stopped the alert, edited the video, then sent it to you. Or there's the possibility you did it." There, I said it. Matt was acting different, and I don't just think it's because he didn't sleep.

"You think I did it?" Matt looked hurt.

"No, I said there was a possibility. It would explain a lot though." I was getting defensive.

"How?  Matt wouldn't do this. Would you?" Bailey asked, she looked scared.

"No. But I do want to hear Olivia's reasoning." Matt pried.

"If it is Matt, which it probably isn't.  He could write them, edit the footage, lie and act, and maybe he has access to phantoms. If so, he could be with us while they write the messages. Therefore clearing his name of suspicion, that also explains why Matt would stop us from running in, to give the person a bit more time. But again, I don't really believe Matt would do this." I  stay quiet most of the time because I would rather observe the situation then be a part of it. This is what I gathered.

Everyone looked stunned, except for Matt.  He looked, angry. Well you did just accuse him. True.

"That is a good point." Woods said "But let's look for the writings first, then we can theorize." We all agreed to this.

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