We Become Interrogators

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We gathered in the front of Blue, next to Baileys's desk, to talk about what answers we wanted. The obvious one was,"What the hell is wrong with our walls?!" Which is one I very much want to know. We also needed something incriminating. Didn't we already try that?  And how did that go? We got the truth. Deb murdered Wes. We headed back to Megadesk to ask Subject 4 what questions they would have.

—about 25 minuets later—

We started reading the replies when we realized we needed something to write it down on. So Matt grabbed some index cards. Subject 4 had some really good questions. Somebody mentioned mind control. My breath caught. I got shaky. Mind control was actually one of my biggest fears. My phobia is of being forced to do something, having no control, so, being under mind control is something Iv'e had nightmares about.  And this isn't just some silly little fear. Whenever I think about it, my palms get sweaty, my hands start shaking, and I feel like the air is thick and I can't breathe in. Maybe I'm not cut out for this.

There were a few more questions but I wasn't really paying attention.  We agreed that Sam, Bailey and Woods would stay at the studio, while Matt and I go talk to Ben. We'll bring them up to speed when we get back. If we get back. 


The car ride was filled with nervous banter. Neither of us had done anything like this before.  

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Not really, are you?" Matt turned the question on me.

"No way."  I laughed.

"You agreed to come." Matt said.

"Yeah, I'll usually sacrifice my safety for answers." I admitted.

"I get that." Matt sympathized.

The rest of the ride was silent. We were stuck in our heads. This is a terrible idea. Maybe. Probably. 

We realized it was a maximum security prison only as we arrived. What are you doing here? I'm pretty sure anyone in my class thought that I was likely to end up in a place like this. I'm not a bad kid. I just didn't talk to people. They just had the wrong impression.

Matt grabbed his notecards and I turned off the camera, we headed into the terrifying building. 

The camera caused some delays but we agreed to only show Ben and the cell, nothing and no one else. We sat in a room for about 45 minuets, only increasing my panic as the minuets drew on. Eventually we were searched and led to his cell. Ben was sitting, faced towards the wall, curled in on himself. 

Here goes nothing.

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