Something's Wrong

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(Olivia's POV)

Something's wrong. I don't know what, but somethings wrong. I was sitting with the rest of the team in the kitchen, talking. 

"Matt," He turned his head to me,"Do you feel, like, something's wrong?"

 He thought for a second. "Actually, yeah."

Olivia!? Olivia can you hear me?! I heard a slight grunt

Yeah, what's wrong?

I've- I've been taken. By- by Syntec. They-

He was silent. Ben? Ben?!

I didn't realize I was walking until Woods asked me where I was going. 

"Syntec's not gone," I said, my voice was barely a whisper,"Ben's been kidnapped. He's silent now."

"Silent? Were you talking to him?"

I guess I forgot to explain that part of my experiences. So I told them about my ability to telepathically talk to Ben. 

"Like how you could talk to me," Matt mused. 

The team and I talked about if we should go to find him. Yes. We didn't know where to go. We would go to the S.P.I.R.E. and look at tire tracks. We would take two cars. Mine, and Woods'. They both have sufficient storage space. For Ben and whatever subjects we find there. 

We set off.


We stopped at the base of the mountain. The path to the S.P.I.R.E. was narrow, we didn't want to run over the tracks. Matt and Woods, through much protesting that 'we needed protection',  would stay to look after the cars, and would be ready to start them if anything bad happened. 

Sure enough, as we started the trek up the mountain, we saw a pair of tracks that didn't match to any of the cars that we owned. We walked all the way up to the top. Thankfully, the wind wasn't too bad and we could see the tire tracks clearly. It looked like something had been dragged out of the S.P.I.R.E., and was dragged until the track stopped. 

"It must have been put in the back of a car," Sam figured. 

I walked over to the hatch, and climbed down. There was a small mattress in the corner. There were papers and notes and notebooks and files. This must have been what he was working on. There wasn't any sign of struggle, though a bat, was tipped over. 

"There's nothing here,"Bailey clearly didn't understand what this all was,"Let's follow the tracks back down." Bailey gently guided my shoulder to the exit.

Everyone had been treating me like that, like I would shatter at even some small movement. I kept telling them I was fine. It didn't stop them.

We got about seven-eighths of the way down the mountain when we noticed a partially hidden road with the continued tire tracks. We jogged back to the cars, and drove them, following the tracks.


With the team back together, we got to the end of the tracks, they had led to another small hatch. We grabbed the bats we were sure to bring and gas masks. I agreed to go down first, Matt and Woods wouldn't let me, I dropped down anyway, no-one. No alarms triggered. I was standing in a white tunnel, bearing a sterilized chill, same as all the Syntec facilities. He was right,  this is definitely Syntec. I continued walking, the rest of the team close behind me, Sam had the camera.

Hallway after hallway, it seemed endless. Every little while I would try to reach out to Ben, I was returned with silence. That was until after maybe 28 minutes.


Olivia? He seemed groggy.

"I found him." I whispered to the team.

Where are you?

I'm not sure.

Keep talking, your voice will get louder the closer I get to you. 

So that's what we did. I tried to keep track of the way but there were too many turns. Eventually I found him, he was sitting in a white room. He didn't look good. I walked over to him.

"O- Oli- via?" His breaths were short, he could only get words out in little pieces. 

"Yeah," I said, trying to encourage him,"We're getting you out of here."

One of his eyes had been swollen shut, a bruise stretched over it. He was bleeding and had an arm wrapped over his torso, perhaps a cracked rib, or two. 

"Olivia!" he managed to get out, pointing behind me. I turned around to see the team having to fight phantoms, who were, in turn, holding a bat and a syringe filled with a clear liquid. It's a trap. Dammit. I led them into this. If they get hurt, it's my fault. They were all fighting their hardest. The phantoms managed to separate the team into different hallways. Two phantoms entered the room. I was able to fight and struggle for a little while, but I was clearly outmatched. I was sedated, my eyelids grew heavy, I could not keep them open, and I fell asleep.

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