Mind Control Is Weird

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(Olivia's POV)

"I don't believe we've formally met. At least not face to face." He smiled. He was the one talking to me in that room. I was going to kill this man.

I lunged at him, well, I tried to. Something was holding me in place. Ropes. It felt like ropes were holding me up. He laughed. "Not used to being here?" He asked. I didn't respond. Instead, I tried to turn my head, to see what exactly was holding me back, and possibly find a weak point. A plan formed. I mumbled something. "What was that?" He asked. I looked down, trying to look guilty. He came closer, curious, he was about an arm's length away when I said:

"Burn in hell." I brought my legs up to my chest and kicked him. He stumbled back holding a hand to his ribs. But then the ropes tightened around me cutting off my air and creating a burning sensation wherever they touched.

"Let me teach you this lesson now," he stepped forward and grabbed my neck,"you cannot hurt me here, and if you try," He stopped, but I knew what he meant. It would be worse than a sore throat. "Be ready to hear a lot more of me." And with that, I blacked out once again.


(Ben's POV)

"Olivia!?" I had been trying to get her to wake up. I don't know why. I knew exactly what was happening. It had happened to me several times. She was under Nelson's control. He could do so many terrible things to you. Shut your mind down, use your body to do- Flashbacks suddenly overcame me. 

———Sitting in an alleyway, a body next to me, blood everywhere. On the body. On the walls. On the floor. On my hands. Police sirens. I was standing there, just, standing. Not doing anything.  Not that you could. The man was very dead. What did you do? I asked him. What did you do?! My heart rate started going up, my breathing shallow. What, did  you, do? What? I didn't- I didn't do this. His blood is on your hands. I didn't do this. You did. I wouldn't do this. Well, what makes this different compared to your previous occupation? I remember what happened at Syntec so clearly. All the people I hurt. That's right. You made me do that, just like this. I didn't make you do anything. You could've quit. And what? Become a test subject? I know damn well you wouldn't let me leave. What did you end up as? A test subject. No matter what I would've done, I would end up a test subject. Was that an absolute point?———————

-Among other things. She started coughing. Shit. I don't think he knows how dangerous this is. If you made him frustrated or if he was having a bad day, he likes to inflict pain on one of his phantoms. He knows we can't fight back. Although this could all happen in your head, the injuries and pain was real. My mind went through all the possibilities of what could be happening. Buried alive, suffocation, any type of cut-off airway, drowning. The last was one I had personal experience with. 

She woke up sputtering and coughing.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She just took a few shaky breaths and stared at nothing. She blinked and seemed to relax, at least a little bit. 

"Ye-yeah." She stammered out, "I-I think so." I helped her get up off the ground.

"Are you sure?" I asked. She coughed out a sort-of-laugh.

"No." She admitted. I heard his voice, I tried to make it out-

Head over to the studio, I'll fill you in as we get there. "We" was his way of saying, you. I started walking.

"Where are you going?" She asked. I totally forgot about her. 

"Oh, right. Come on. We've got a job to do."

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