Phase 2

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(Ben's POV)

"Phase 2", as he would call it, was essentially just a continuation of phase 1. More of moving a mannequin around. Trying to convince the people inhabiting the building, that it was haunted. I sighed, gripping the wheel of the car I was driving tighter. It was about 2 maybe 2:30 AM, way too early to be awake, at least for normal people. At this point I should be used to it, not complaining about it. But do I care? Not really. I pulled up a few blocks from Spellbound, not wanting to be seen. As I got out of the car, I suddenly remembered I wasn't alone. I shouldn't be forgetting. She might be the only one who actually understands. But would she help you? Would she risk it? She had tried to escape when she had only been at Syntec for a few weeks. Already more courage than me. You tried, kind of. I mean, what was I supposed to do?  I grabbed the mannequin, and we walked over to the parking lot.

Once we were there, memories flooded me. It's the same ones. Every. Time. We quickly set up the mannequin. It was about 3. I tried the key fob I knew wouldn't work, this would alert Matthias. He would gather "the team" and then we could start. We hid in the back of the lot, Olivia checked if we were seen in the cameras, and if we were, she edited it out. 


About 20 minuets later, Matthias and the other subjects arrived. They opened the door of "Red Base" and left to "Blue Base." We hurried around to the front lot and grabbed the mannequin. We ran through the now open door of "Red" and hid in the darkness of one of the stairwells. The masks we wore had the red lights. It helped with our tinted vision, but it also made us look scarier than we needed to. It did help to see in the dark so, plus I guess?

After the subjects left to the other side of the building, we placed the mannequin at the bottom of the stairs. Needless to say, it scared them. So we did this again, and again, and again. Over and over. When we were done moving it, we waited for a while, then we grabbed the mannequin and left the building. Looks like your plan worked. I walked to the car quickly. It was too early. I also don't want to be here anymore. We got in the car quickly, and started driving. I wondered if it was over, at least this part.


Once we got back, he let us sleep. It had been a while since I had slept, so I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow. Let's not have nightmares, alright?

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