Red Substance

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We walked away from the "Find Me,"  going down the stairs and into another room. Bailey pointed out that the door across from us was never closed, but right now it was, but soon after that statement we saw red peaking out from the edge of the mirror on the wall. The mirror was screwed into the wall so the person, or people, Matt had said taking the mirror of was a 2 person job, would have had to unscrew the mirror , write it, and then screw it back in place. Not so unbelievable. Woods grabbed a screwdriver and unscrewed the mirror. Matt and Woods  lifted the mirror out of place to show another message.

"Look Closer" But it was written weird. The o's in look were replaced with x's and underneath the x's before the Closer, was a smile, so the x's and smile created a face. 

But the thing that threw me off was that the "paint" didn't smell like paint. It looked like blood but it didn't smell like it. I wish I could describe it but, there is no easy way to describe that. Is it serum? No, the wall would've been burnt. So what is it?

We all decided we needed connections, but there were none in sight. So, second best option, we left. To sleep in our own beds (If we can get to sleep at all.)


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