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(Olivia's POV)

I took off my lab coat and rolled up my sleeve. D, the team, and other employees and observers were stationed behind a glass wall in an airtight viewing room. The testing chamber and the viewing room were from the days when it was Syntec. I could see the team being visibly nervous.

In our studies we discovered that, despite the pain, injecting the antidote, much like the serum, was more effective than drinking or inhaling it. I sat on the examination chair in the center of the room and pressed the needle into my skin. I took a deep breath and began injecting the antidote. I was fine. I felt fine. I was supposed to stay seated for ten minuets. At minuet 7 people were allowed in the room. Matt asked if I was okay. I responded with telling him I was fine. At ten minuets I was still fine. D and I shared a look, that was the longest I had ever been okay. That was a good sign. At 15 minuets I was feeling good, the aches that I had been left with from the serum were slowly fading. I looked at Deborah and smiled. I'm okay. Finally. At least I am physically, I don't think I'll ever be okay mentally. Ben, I'm sorry for what happened to you. This victory is for you. I won't forget you. And I hope that wherever you are now, I hope that it's better than what you've endured. I miss you, but I won't let that keep me down. Goodbye.


And with that our story has come to a close! Olivia continued working in the redacted, helping with many projects and eventually becoming a high-ranking member, getting her own corner office. She did have to resign from Spellbound to fully devote herself to her work but she never stopped visiting her 'family,' the team. Olivia stopped multiple attempts on Deb's life. She never got to follow Syphus to Utah, but Deb did help those kids when they found her, but that's another story. Olivia never had to deal with the serum or injections ever again. She got her wish and everyone was dosed with the antidote. She lived a peaceful life, some say she was married to her work and therefore didn't find a partner to live out the last of her days with, but she did get to finish out with her adoptive family, the team, as we all know them.  

Let's give our characters the rest they deserve and let them die in peace, they deserve it.


OK! Thank you for reading this and I appreciate your support! And don't worry, I have a new book planned. The next chapter will be the first bit of the book. Thank you for enduring these character's sorrows, joys, and moods. It's been a journey, and a long one at that. I do thank you for putting up with me and the hell I put them all through. I hope it at least made up a good book.


My followers: hellosyntec and Liam10464

And the numerous people who added The Copy to their reading lists: unicorns33221, rhiles3532, SalemLupinGryffindor, Madzila26, Adentheconqueror123, ShadowNoblade, Storytellerstales, sereinaSteadman, hellosyntec, Abby123468708, Tasha7393, XSomeTimeLaterX, keiththeshark and drawinglogan. 

Again I cannot thank you all enough! I hope I didn't disappoint. Now I will get out of your hair and let you return to whatever you were doing, whether you interrupted what you were doing to read this, or you were looking to burn time, I'll let you do that. If you want more of my writing, I'm writing the chapter to my next book, The 27th Element, (It's also Project 863, it's about Ben's life and story.) it's going to be the next chapter.

The Copy: Project 863Where stories live. Discover now