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Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I've been working on NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) all November, so I haven't been able to work on this too much. But not to worry! I am currently working on the next chapter. (Hopefully it will be publish ready soon.) So, until that is ready, here is a sneak peek of the next chapter! Now, without further ado, Untitled Part 24!!!


(Olivia's POV)

I gave you a chance.

I could feel the ropes that bound me in my mind. I didn't open my eyes. I was too tired and angry to care.

Like you expected me to answer.

I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt.

You wanted to see me suffer. Don't try that with me, I know better.

How is your leg?


He laughed.


You won't even admit it.

Admit what?

That I hurt you. That I did what I was planning on doing and I succeeded. That you stayed strong like the heroes do in movies and books, and no-one came to your aid. That you weren't rewarded for your secrecy. You can't even look at me.

I have no reason to.

How does your leg feel now?

I realized that pain had started burning from my leg.

Did you know that if someone is sedated, it is much easier to take control of their body?

I opened my eyes quickly-


Aaaand, that's all I'm going to give you right now! I know, I know. I'm sooooo evil. (Mwhahahaha)Alright, I'm gonna stop wasting your time. (Although if you're anything like me, you're reading this to burn time.) So, goodbye. And good luck.....

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