I'm Ready to Give Up

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(Olivia's POV)

This sucks. I thought as I continued searching through files. I was currently tracking some kids that had gotten away from Syntec. They had stolen some stuff, a few phantoms had been sent after them, but none had returned. I sighed, sat back, and rubbed my eyes. I had taken off the goggles to give my eyes a break but it hadn't really done anything. I could hear police sirens from somewhere nearby, the Syntec location wasn't in the best part of town. Everybody avoids it like the plague anyway. I bet they can hear the screams, or they hear rumors. Someone entered the room.

"You are wanted in Nelson's office." They said. I nodded and they took the hint and left. My body was tense. You could always tell when Nelson was having a bad day. Everyone was more stressed, trying not to screw up. Everyone was nicer, not wanting to have anyone against them, lest they go to him. Everyone was paranoid, if someone says something about them, it might get back to Nelson.

You could always tell when he was in one of his "moods" from the disturbing noises coming from his office. Him yelling at an employee, his "assistant" trying to calm him down, or a phantom he chose to inflict pain on. Being a phantom truly has no ends to how terrible it is.

But that day it was all the worse. Nelson was beyond mad. He was furious. I was never quite sure what happened, but I could guess it wasn't good.( If you were confused, let me explain:

Nelson, in this universe, died. He chose someone, who was close in size, strength, and likeness, to be his replacement. A Nelson from another universe, the one using mind control, used this "replacement" as a host of some sorts. So is the Nelson we all have trauma from really Nelson? Yes and no.)

I walked down the hallway. I passed people doing their work diligently. Some in the hall saw me and crossed to the other side to avoid me. They definitely think I'm scary. Or they think I'm Ben. Or they think I'll rat them out. Whatever it was, it gave me "scary dog" privileges. 

I knocked on Nelson's door. He knew I was there, I was just being polite.

"Come in." His voice came through the other side of the door, then I noticed, his latest assistant was in the hall. Now there's no-one to protect you. You're on your own. God help me. I stepped inside.

I expected his office to look more like what Ben's usually did, messy, papers everywhere. But it was pristine. Even now, he keeps his composure. "What do you need from me, sir." I said respectfully. One of his fingers was tapping rapidly on his desk. He's just itching to hurt someone. Why am I here? Did I screw something up? Or am I just the unlucky victim? 

He stood up.

"How close were you to the 863 subjects?" He asked. He walked over to one of the large windows, looking through it.

"It varies depending which one you're asking about."I replied.

"All of them." 

He wants something specific.

"I-. I'm probably closest to Woods," I said, there's no use in lying. I'm glad you finally see that."Followed possibly by Sam or Bailey, leaving Matt last." 

He nodded, seeming to think about it.

"When did you last speak with him?" He said expectantly.

"Which one?"


Does he mean ACTUAL Matt, or controlled Matt?  

"I'm not exactly sure." It wasn't a lie.

He turned to look at me, making direct eye-contact. "How," He stepped closer,"recently did you speak with him?"

He knows. He knew that I had mentally spoken to Matt that one night. I can't tell him I have the ability to talk to Matt.

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