This is the End

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(Olivia's POV)

I woke up dizzy. Once my vision cleared I saw that I was laying on the floor of a white room with glass walls. Through the glass I could see the rest of the team in the same type of containers. Matt and Woods were trying to talk to each other through the walls that separated them, Sam was just sitting there, perhaps trying not to lose it. Bailey was still asleep. I groaned as I pulled myself into a standing position, immediately tipping and catching myself on a wall. A voice came in over an intercom, one that had been torturing my head for months. One that should have been impossible. Nelson Syphus. 

"Well Deborah," his cool voice rung out,"What do you think of your team now?"

I saw that embedded in a concrete wall, was an observation room of sorts. Deborah and multiple phantoms were there. 

"I do have a fun game we can play."he taunted.

A phantom walked into Bailey and Matt's rooms, each holding a syringe filled with serum. I failed to notice Nelson's footsteps behind me. He suddenly grabbed my arm, while pressing a needle of his own against my neck.

"Hello Olivia," he said with a cold laugh,"Did you miss me?"

I certainly did not, and I'm sure he recognized that by the way I stiffened. 

"Alright," his voice back on the intercom,"This is how it will work, Samantha, Woodland, you have the antidote and therefore are invulnerable to the serum. However, Bailey, Matthew, and your friend here, are not. You will have a certain amount of time to save one, or maybe two of your friends. I leave the choice up to you. Do you have anything you would like to say to one and another?"

I realized that there were mics in the rooms because Matt's shouts to Woods were now audible. 

"Woods! Sam!" He sounded panicked,"Get Bailey and Olivia-" I cut him off.

"No," I saw him open his mouth,"No. Matt, you're the only reason we're all here. I'm already damaged. I don't have the skills that Woods does, I'm not as smart and level-headed like Sam. Not kind and sweet like Bailey, and I can't lead a team like you. Let me go. I've already lived through it once, and if I die, I won't have to feel any of this again." I closed my eyes and a tear fell down my cheek.

"No," Sam said, her voice showing she was about to cry,"Olivia, I can't."

"What?" I said, starting to be aggressive,"Do you want me to insult you?! To make it easier for you!?" I was shaking. The doors to each cell opened.

"Time starts now."

Woods ran to get Matt out first, while Sam was still collecting herself a little bit, but soon she ran to help Bailey, who was still asleep. Thank you for listening to me. Woods was fighting the phantom holding Matt, who was struggling as well. They eventually got him free, and then they left to help Sam, who had only managed to scratch the phantom a few times. I tested Nelson's hold on me multiple times by trying to tug away. Each time he just dug his nails deeper into my skin.

After winning the fight, they slung Bailey over Sam and Matt's shoulders. Woods was rushing over to me.

"Time's up." 

The door slid closed.

"NO!" I yelled,"You piece of shit, let me go!"

He laughed."Did you really think I was going to let you go? No. At least not without a dose. I wasn't planning on letting Matthew escape either." Woods was pounding on the door, shouting unintelligible profanities. "Say goodbye." And with that, I felt the needle push into my skin.

Time seemed to slow, as time does when tragedy is about to happen. It seemed like minuets or hours when it was just seconds before pain attacked every fiber of my being. It felt as if every atom was exploding, but this was just the first wave. It seemed to recede, only to spread once again throughout my body, bringing me to my knees. I was hunched over, the cold floor touching my hands burned. My lungs started to panic as a strange thing entered them. I was soon coughing up the red liquid. Again it receded, giving me hope before the pain expanded beyond all capability. I screamed. Not again. Please. I was only aware of the pain during the attacks to come.

Nelson pressed his foot down on my back, pushing me to the floor and triggering more anguish. Then he flipped me over with the same foot and stepped onto the joint where my shoulder connected, dislocating it. I was curled into myself, struggling to breathe.

Remember to breathe. 

It was a calming slogan in dealing with Syntec, you never really notice how calming it is until you can't get any air. 

The air burned. Nelson kicked me in the ribs, causing all hope to go out the window. Every noise was amplified trifold. Nelson bent down to me. He laughed, the only thing that brought him joy, other's pain. I took some of the serum I coughed up in my hand, burning it, and I threw it at him, catching him in the eye. He grunted and fell backwards. I somehow, by some insane determination, got myself to stand up. I couldn't see out of my right eye. I tried to yell something to my friends on the other side of the door, but I failed. Every breath felt as if someone was dragging a serrated knife up and down my throat. 

"Ple- Please," I tried to get out."Help." I was getting increasingly dizzier. I could hear a little bit of the conversation on the other side of the door.

"I- I can't figure it out! It won't open!""Why?!""I just told you I don't know!" Their voices mixed together. I couldn't discern one from another.

Ben... I mustered with all of my energy.

Olivia? You sound worse than I do. What happened?

I got injected. Do you know where you are?

Yes, I'm feeling better and I've already knocked out a few guys. I'm coming. I know where all of you are. Hold on.

Soon enough, I saw in the observation box that Ben and Deb working together to take out the guards. They left the box and ran over to where the team was.

"I can't get it open!""We've already tried that.""She's not looking good.""She'll die if we don't get her out of there.""Let me see that!""I told you we already tried that!""Do you know what you're doing?""Do you?!""Wait, I've got it!!"

The door slid open, some ran to help me, others went to confront Nelson.

"Are you okay?" someone asked, I couldn't see their faces anymore. "This isn't good."

"Oh! Here I thought this was the best thing you had ever seen! Sorry, habit."

"I'm- It- hurts- Please- help- me-" I was shaking and shuddering too much to do anything. 

"I know, I know, we're going to get you out of here." I heard them turn to the person next to them,"Do you have anywhere we can go?"

"Yes." The other person turned back,"It's only going to get worse. We need to get you out of here.  Ben, do think you can manage helping me carry her?" I assume he nodded because I felt like I was being picked up. The sudden contact with people burned and the pressure on my dislocated shoulder was also in agony. 

If I could've gotten enough air I would be swearing like a sailor. I was almost asleep. I couldn't tell if my brain was shutting down from not enough air, or if it was from the pain. I could hear yelling behind us. The ones that went to talk to Nelson. I need to help them, it's my fault they're here. 

They'll be fine. They're strong.

They'll be okay, they'll be okay, they'll be okay.

I repeated this mantra until I inevitably fell asleep.

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