I Die On My Terms

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(Ben's POV)

-----------------------------1 year and 2 months later-------------------------

I tried to scream, I knew I couldn't. My voice had disappeared a very long time ago. But it was a natural response to overwhelming pain. Every time the pain was slightly different.

I heard scientists and researchers muttering to themselves, observing me. I knew what some of them were thinking, 'who is this poor soul who's been subjected to this?' 'What did this guy do to deserve this?' But most importantly I knew what Nelson was thinking. I won. It's all he thought about. Well, that and how to get back at Deborah and the 863 subjects. He kept a psychic link between him and I just to yell at me about something or to gloat. 

What had I been subjected to since I'd almost died? Everything. If Nelson needed to test something, I was the first one on the list. I was the perfect test subject. I couldn't die. I was connected to dozens of machines that made sure of that. Some keeping me alive, others monitoring me, some connected to administer whatever test had been scheduled. I couldn't even really see anymore. I was practically blind. I couldn't see color, everything in my left eye was blurred. I'm done, I can't take this anymore. I had had these thoughts multiple times before. I need to get out of here. I either die or I get captured again, and it can't get worse than this. I tried to speak to the nurse next to me, the one that always checked on me and made sure I wasn't trying to escape or end my existence.

I took a few tries to get my voice to work, but when it did they were about to leave.

"Wait!" My body recoiled from the sudden action. 

They were startled. "Um- yeah?"

"Could- could you leave the door unlocked?" I had a feeling they knew what was happening, what I was planning. They left the door like I had asked. They felt bad for me. 


That night, I didn't allow myself to fall asleep. I kept my brain up revisiting the plan over and over again. I could recite the blueprint to that facility in my sleep. 

Once I was ready, I ripped out a cord from a monitoring machine. Holy shit- It hurt. I repeated the process for everything attached to me. I finally heaved myself out of the bed I had been restricted to this entire time. I fell crashing to the floor. A wave of agony relayed throughout my body. My lungs weren't working quite right and I remembered that I was slowly dying. I was now on a clock. 

I left through the open door and rushed down the hall, I still recollected the guard patterns for each facility at each time. 11:28 PM It was the time the defenses were the weakest. Paying close attention to the sounds in the building, I was able to leave the building. Step 1, complete. I now had to get to the studio. They won't be there. It's going to take forever for me to arrive. Maybe  by the time I show up, someone will be as well.

I knew the way to Spellbound painfully well. I stumbled through the streets, very aware of my time ticking away.

Time is ticking.

A phrase Nelson commonly used. Even now, he's still affecting me.

----------------------------------1:30 AM----------------------------------

I finally arrived at the studio. I collapsed against the door, sinking to the ground. I used the same trick I used when I was there with the mannequin. On my way escaping from Syntec, I picked up the outdated key fob to the building. This will send an alert to Matt, he's going to come check it out, he'll get the rest of the team, I'll have my final moments. And then this can end, finally. I pressed the fob against the handle and it responded with a beep, signaling it would not let me in.

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