✨Trauma Bond✨

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This is Benjamin's side of the story. This takes place right after Olivia was dragged off.

(Ben's POV)

My head was aching. She actually put up a fight. It wasn't that it was so hard to believe, so much as it was that she actually attempted it. The other phantom helped me up off the ground. I brushed pieces of broken glass off of me. My breathing became suddenly heavy, I needed serum. Dammit.  This was, if it wasn't obvious, my least favorite part of the day. The phantom was looking at his colleagues body.

"I'll get someone to take care of it." I said. He nodded, then left. 

So I was left standing in the hallway, slowly losing breath and head aching. I headed quickly to my "room". Face the facts. It's a cell. The room was bigger than where I had been previously been kept. Multiple tables, each adorned with its own set of chemicals and equipment, lined the right side edges of the room. While on the left I had a cot and an examination chair.  I used the chair more back in the day when injections were more of a struggle. I had gotten so used to doing them by now, all I needed was to sit down.

I went to the box that sat underneath one of the tables in the storage space. I pulled out an injection gun, and 1 vial of serum. The way it moved around disgusted me. You made it. That doesn't make it any less revolting. I carefully filled the syringe, then walked over to my cot and sat down, leaning against the wall. I looked at it, memories flooding back. Memories I'd like to forget. Memories he won't let me forget. I pressed the needle to my arm, taking a deep breath. It doesn't hurt as much as it used to, at least I think so, maybe I'm just used to it. It did still hurt. 

I felt the familiar pain flood up my arm, moving up my neck only worsening the pain in my head. The worst part is that I can't take any painkillers.  That would make it a lot better. So I continued with my routine, merely surviving the days more than living them. Looking through files, rummaging through data, watching the 863 subjects. About three days had passed. What ever happened to that girl. The Copy. She has a name. What is it then?  My mind made a good point sometimes. Nelson had wanted me to bring her to a testing chamber for compatibility with the S.P.I.R.E. But, well, complications occurred. 

I heard something.



Can you here me?!

I'm here. What happened? 

(Did they bring her to, there?)

Never mind. I can guess. Where are you?

I don't know. It's a padded cell. That probably doesn't narrow it down. Uh-

It did. I was right. Why did they bring her there?

No, I know where you are. I'm comi-

I suddenly wasn't able to breathe. A sharp, terrible pain had rooted itself in my chest. My mind became foggy.


I tried to protest. But I felt myself fall to the floor, my vision went dark.


I was on the floor when I woke up. I gasped for air. I hate when this happens. The side effect of the mind control was not a pleasant one. I always woke up like this. I was somewhere I didn't know,  with a headache and whatever injuries Nelson had left me with. What was I doing? How long has it been? Right. The Copy. She's in, there...  I got up as best I could without falling over. I hurried to the room I remember so clearly. This was the first place I was kept. 

When I had gone through the first experiment, which had gone horribly wrong, they had put me in that room. I wasn't given food or anything. Nelson, Gary, and whoever else was present told everyone that I was dead. I wasn't. I was right there. One person helped me. Jordan. She found the keys to the cell and decided to see what was inside.  I was in so much pain. I could hardly breathe. I had had no food for days. She was the only one that showed me kindness. And I had fallen for her. She visited me every day if she could. Except when-

I had arrived at the door. Because at this point I was practically an owner, I had all the keys to every door in the facility. I opened the door. She was huddled in the corner, hands over her head. I could hear her sobs. I went over to the girl and dragged her out of the room.

"Hey, look at me." I said, trying to reassure her,"Don't listen to what he said. It isn't true. Alright?"

How long was she in there?

A week.

That was too long. She doesn't even have a J-  I remembered that she could hear me.

A Jordan?

How do you-?

 I guess not all of what he said was a lie.  What did he say?

Are you okay?


Fair enough. Can you stand?

 She nodded in response. I took her back to her room. I grabbed some bread from the break room , and gave it to her. After she ate she fell asleep quite quickly. She probably hasn't slept in days. Neither have you. Fine. I'll sleep.  I headed back to my room as memories of the time I spent in that room, came back to me. I didn't sleep well, if I did sleep.

The Copy: Project 863Where stories live. Discover now