The "Finale"

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(Ben's POV)

It was time, according to him. The "finale." Apparently everything rested on today. For him. If you fail, you could be free. Stop thinking like that. You know freedom is a foreign concept. Don't get your hopes up.  It wasn't exactly a simple plan. Nelson kept Matt's mic connected to our system so we could hear what was going on. He wasn't exactly thrilled that John Doe's evidence got stolen, or whatever happened to it. And on top of that, the only piece that was left was a notebook. 

From watching Matthias over the years, I could easily tell between Matt, and Nelson. The vocabulary they used gave it away. Nelson was currently talking about the notebook, he said it was "inconsequential," Matthias would have used a more, civilian, casual, choice of words. Nelson stopped short.

The notebook. It's not useless.


He didn't answer. He was talking to the team about solving the code. It was something he would often do. The subjects were so curious and dependent on finding answers that all Nelson had to do was propose a few ideas and have them solve it for him. 

I was waiting outside the building, waiting for Olivia. Perhaps I should look for her. Maybe he decided she shouldn't be here. Maybe the medics won't let her be here. She did have a broken leg, those don't heal quickly. But sure enough I soon heard her thoughts.

What? Trying to ditch me?

Possibly. How do you feel?

 I could feel she had a reaction to that and some slight annoyance.

Is that a serious question?

Well I might be concerned to know that you have never felt better.

At least I got a small laugh out of her.

She groaned in pain and touched a hand to her head. I bit my tongue to keep me from asking if she was alright. 

What? A hangover?

I wish. He- Last night-

Oh. Yeah, that can always be a bit, jarring.

I still remembered my first time under control. For the first few times he allowed me the pleasure of staying oblivious to what was happening. But then I realized what was happening and I was determined to stay conscious. What a fool.. He saw how seeing those things and being powerless to stop them tore me apart. Just even thinking about it... You're weak. I couldn't tell if that was Nelson or my own insecurities speaking. I got a notification on my phone.

NS: The device is a portable RSD.

NS: It uses a SATA drive.

NS: Looking for drives.

I didn't bother responding. A portable RSD? My mind wandered to how easy my job would've been with that. The knowledge of where all of it is, just at your fingertips. I remembered my struggle with trying to get serum. The 863 subjects had made it harder than it already was. 


What else should I be doing? Showing gratitude?

Why are we even here? He didn't exactly give me an explanation.

What does it matte-

You're hiding something.

What do you mean?

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