Ronald Burggs

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Another day, another message. Matt told Woods, Bailey and I at the same time. Sam was holding the camera. The alert was in the body room. Correction, body outline room. There's no body. Not yet. Why do I think like this? What's wrong with me? The world may never know. We headed over to Red.

When we entered Matt gasped, for the only reason to scare Sam. And then mocked her afterwards. I'll admit, it was funny, but I'm a sadist, and I wouldn't do that. Terrible things are going on, we shouldn't joke about it. Matt was just being cruel. He cackled as he walked up the stairs.  

We finally got to the room, there was a face on the outline now. It was the same one as the one on the Look Closer. We needed to know what was going on. We thought that finding a device that would allow us to find traces of ghosts. So, we headed to Megadesk.

We first looked at Etsy, but when that was inconclusive, we checked Ebay . We eventually found a camera for iPhone that was supposed to pick up ghost stuff. We decided to YOLO it and buy the camera, hopefully it was useful. Matt also got some of the other devices we looked at. We cut the camera and would pick it back up when we got the stuff.

————About 2 weeks later——————

Bailey said the packages had arrived, so we gathered around to open the packages. Matt plugged the device into his phone,  it was doing things. There was an app, it was connected. We walked over to the room to test it.

What we saw through the camera gave me goosebumps, my breath caught in my throat. What we saw were footprints, on the phone it was glowing. I don't really believe in ghosts despite what you may think, but this had no other explanation. This has got to be some bad dream, right?

The footprints continued out into the hallway. We followed the footprints into the theater where there was a glowing space in the wall where the ghost supposedly walked through. We went around to the other side, and sure enough, there was another glowing spot. I'm glad we got that thing, we wouldn't be able to see any of this without it. And you know how much I love knowing things.

The footprints continued down the stairs we just came up, and like the loyal curious people we are, we followed. We went down the stairs and it led us into the common area, and to the closet. 

Before we opened the door, Woods called out that the filing cabinet from the storage place was in there. We opened the door and got the filing cabinet out,  it was locked and Matt tried to force it open to no avail.

"Still think it's me?" Matt said, looking at me.

"Again, I never said I thought it was you, I said it was a possibility. But I don't think whatever did this, came from this plain of existence or whatever." I responded. There, I admit to it. This is insane.

"So this has haunted stuff in it. Do we want to let it out or? What?" Sam did bring up a valid concern.

We brought the cabinet to the couch and set to opening it with a hammer, which didn't take very long. It was all files. They were employee files. The first three were no one we knew, but then there was Deb's file, her last name was redacted, it also said she was blonde.

"She's a blonde?!" Sam exclaimed.

Matt continued to read the file, then moved on to Wesley's. Nothing new really. Next was Gary's. Nothing, except that he was government. Next was Scott Clerick, he apparently was Wesley's assistant. Next, Jordan Kendal, which destroyed our theory that she wrote these and brought the new theory of that these were written by Nelson. Cobalt was next , this was the first time I got nervous. It was weird to hear about someone who people think you are like.  As if you want to disprove them in any way you can. Matt seemed excited, after all, Ben was quite the celebrity here. 

"It's weird to think of him as a person." Matt said absentmindedly, I flinched when he said that for some reason. As a kid everyone thought of me as some thing. Being that I was largely introverted and weird. I guess I know how it feels to be called inhuman. He finished the file. That was the last one we actually spent our time reading.  We moved on to the next drawer, which were patient files.

Matt pulled out the ghost camera and said that we should try it on the files. One of the files was cold. Matt picked the file up, he said it felt cold.  It was titled Ronald Burggs. Matt was interrupted by a phone call. So we had to wait for the next day.

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