Matt Explains

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(Woods POV)

I was sitting in the warehouse, my "office", I was trying to pass the time by making Overkill glasses for Matt. I was waiting for Matt and Olivia to come back. She had looked nervous when she went with Matt. Why did she go? Because she's probably insane and, like usual, didn't give a second thought about her own goddamn safety. And Matt. What can I even say about Matt? He clearly isn't himself. It doesn't take a genius to see that. I should talk to Sam and Bailey about that. I'm not getting any work done anyway. 

I walked over to Blue. Sam was talking to Bailey. Perfect. 

"Hey, guys. Can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Yeah. Of course." Sam replied. She was always happy to listen to others. I gestured to the Blue Base warehouse, so we swiftly hurried over. 

I told them about my thoughts about Matt and the conversation I had with Olivia. 

"Woods, he's just worried about the writings. He's been really pressed lately." Sam said, sticking up for Matt. 

"I don't know Sam, he does have a point." Bailey came to my defense," Matt has seemed different."

Sam was about to say something when we heard Matt calling for us. We hurried into the common area only to see Matt.

"Where's Olivia?" What happened? I wasn't afraid to fight if I needed to.

"She said she didn't feel good. So once we got back here she drove home. You guys just missed her." Matt explained.

"Is she alright?" Bailey asked.

"Oh yeah. She said it was a sore throat and a headache." He assured us," Normally, I would've said she would be fine. But after that encounter. I think she needed a break."

We all released a breath. At least that psycho didn't do anything. 

"So do you guys want to see the footage?" It was a rhetorical question. Yes.

We walked into Megadesk, nerves on a high. We decided that just showing us the footage was easier than explaining. Matt started the video. As we continued watching the video, Bailey called out how awkward it was, how he asked for Matt specifically and then didn't talk to him. Ben mentioned the writings. How does he know about that?!

"Again?" Bailey interjected into my thoughts. Ben had implied that this wasn't the first time this had happened. He said they started 7 years ago, "After he died." Who was he? He didn't say so we assumed that it was whoever the body outline was. Ben continued on his insane rant. Once Matt was fed up with his insane rambling, he went to sign out, when Olivia had zoomed in on the Syntec pen Matt was currently holding. 

We shared a collective,"What!?"

We theorized. Did John Doe lie to us? An unsettling thought. Matt concluded that we should listen to then voices. That we believe Ben. 

Well, let's get this over with.

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