Preparing for Anxiety

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As Matt started the intro for the next video, I started to think about what I was doing.  Am I really going to stay here overnight to find a ghost? Yes, yes I am. Why? Because I'm stupid enough to prioritize answers over my own safety. Deb was right, wasn't she?

"We have decided today to," We? Matt said," Stake out? They're not really happy about it." As he gestured to Bailey and Sam. Matt got up and started walking away. Where is he going?  He was showing the camera the writings. 

Bailey wanted to check the other side of the "Help Me" wall, because we were talking about it collecting and stuff  like that, so when she went to open the door, Matt yelled "BOO!" And scared us half to death. Man, rude. There was nothing on the other side.

At the mention of snacks, we all got excited, after all, you do need snacks for an overnight. 'Tis tradition! Woods looked like he was zoning out. Mood.

Sam was recapping when Tanner walked in. "You guys switch bases for fun? Or..." For some reason Tanner had a baseball and a mitt. Why? Why does Tanner do anything he does?

"You gonna stay?" Matt questioned.

"Do you want me to?"-"Yes" Matt left no time for consideration. Tanner ultimately decided to not come with us. Smart.

We piled in Matt's  car and we were at Target in no time. We shopped for a while and then left. Woods got a drift car, and Matt got a second. So once we were back at the studio, we immediately stared testing them. 

For some reason Matt had the bright idea to test it in the $20K green screen area. While Matt was testing the car, Bailey said,"Olivia, you can put like, a scene in there!"

"A scene?" I responded.

"Yeah, you know, like, it's on a racetrack!" 

"No, I got it, just, whatever." I said, the conversation over. 

After that, Woods and Matt decided to have a race, Woods won. They don't call him Hover-Woods for nothing.

We moved on to playing a game about the channels, and Matt had wine. Who buys wine at TARGET!? 

Sam had pulled the Matthias channel, she talked about how she thought the guy in the vids was loud, but when she met him in person, he seemed serious. Yeah, serious. That same guy is spinning a SweatTart rope around right now. The game continued, and ended. So we set our attention to finding sleeping arrangements. 

I slept with Bailey and Sam in Sam's office, since there was only the couch and the mattress, I slept on the floor, I was wearing a hoodie, so it wasn't too bad. It took me longer to fall asleep then it did the others.

I was still distraught by the circumstance, who wouldn't be? But even through my ever growing anxiety, I somehow fell asleep.

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