The Snacks are Haunted

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I was talking to Sam when we heard Matt talking, seems he finally showed up. We debated over whether we should paint over the messages or not. But Matt told us he got more notifications. Oh the joy of 863. 

We collected Bailey and headed over to Red Base. It didn't take long to find our first message. As soon as Woods opened the door, we saw an arrow, pointing to the right. We followed the arrow and found another. It was over the hole which Matt crawled through to smash the server. Sam said that it being there solidifies that it was coming through the wall, not spray painted on. When she said that, I could've sworn that Matt was looking directly at me. Sam found the next one in the kitchen.

A joke came to mind. " NOT THE SNACKS!" It caused them to laugh, making me feel better in the process. We followed that arrow as well to the stairs where we found another. I was getting tired of this hunt. Just tell us what you want!

Another arrow on the stairs led us to a room where on the wall it said,

"Do You Fancy Me Mad" This was the point where I believed them. This was a ghost.

"Oh, no, nonononono. You guys might want to get off the floor." I said.

"What? Why?" Matt responded, clearly confused.

"That is a quote from the story, "Tell-Tale Heart"" I explained.

"What is that?" Woods asked.

"It's a story written by Edger Allen Poe. I am a fan of his work and I know this story very well."  I continued." It's about this guy, who kills someone because the other guy's eye creeped him out.    Throughout the story, the storyteller, the murderer, tries to convince the reader that he is not crazy, and one thing he says is, "Do you fancy me mad?".  The murderer hides the body underneath his floorboards." At this I was interrupted by Sam gasping and immediately stepped out of the room. Everyone else followed suit.

"He starts to hear the beating of a heart under the floorboards, as if the man was still alive. A reminder of the man he killed. Eventually the sound drives him insane, so he confesses to the police and rips up the floorboards. There was never a heartbeat, only his guilt."

Everyone was quiet. Eventually Matt said,

"So there's a body under here?" 

"It could be a metaphor?" But I didn't really believe that.

"Well there's only one way to find out." Matt concluded.

I'm pretty sure nobody liked this idea, but, would you rather know there was a body under the floorboards, or check, and there's the possibility there isn't one? Matt looked excited, like a child on Christmas morning. It was slightly disturbing. This new message made me think of the story again. Was that man truly crazy? Maybe from guilt, but maybe he was just using self defense, not that I think it was right to kill the guy, but in his head he thought it was defense. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy. It's good I didn't try to be a psychologist.

Woods went down the stairs and came back with tools. What if we actually find a body? No. We're not thinking about that right now. Matt started to rip up the floorboards.  Once one of them was up, Sam called out that there were markings that looked like a body outline, and once more were pulled up, it was clear that that's what is was. This was a murder scene. My horror knowledge actually helped. 

Matt decided to send an email to John Doe about the outline. A good idea. That was it, we decided to go back to our regular jobs. I had to edit footage. 

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