205: So does Aslan

452 15 13

July 24th - Prompt: Hidden


Edmund sighed a little as he headed down the corridor towards his bedroom. It was late and he was tired, and he really needed to get some sleep.

It had been a long day, of trying to get Narnia back to normal again, and as it had only been three or four months since the defeat of the witch, there was still plenty to do.

He stopped outside the sitting room door though when he heard voices, wondering why his siblings were still awake.

"Are Edmund and Lucy asleep?" Peter asked quietly, and Edmund raised an eyebrow from outside the door.

"Lucy definitely is." Came Susan's voice. "Edmund I reckon so, it is late."

Edmund laughed quietly, boy he wished he was asleep.

"I'm worried, if I'm honest..."

Edmund frowned, what was his brother worried about this time.

"What with all the sudden talk about Aslan, people have started figuring out just what he did." Peter murmured, and Edmund found himself leaning closer so he could hear better.

"You think Edmund will find out?" Came Susan's slightly worried voice.

There was a few seconds of silence before Peter continued. "Something is telling me that if he just took a while to sit down and think about it he'd figure it out himself, I mean, he's not completely stupid." He said. "I just don't want him finding out by someone else telling him. He'd never forgive himself."

Edmund was slightly scared now, and his heart pounded in his chest as he silently listened.

"You know he'll have to know eventually." Susan murmured. "Even if we don't tell him for a few years, we can't keep it hidden from him for long."

"I know, I know." Peter sighed. "But how do you go about telling someone something like that? Like, we can't just outright tell him that Aslan died for him, it would break him."

Edmunds breath caught in his chest, and he found himself unable to draw another one.

Aslan died for him?

Is that what Peter had said?

Edmund stood there, unable to breathe as his head swam.

It all made sense now, and he wanted to kick himself for not having figured it out sooner. It was so plainly obvious, yet he hadn't figured it out... right?

Edmund gripped the doorframe, trying his hardest to breathe.

"No." He choked, but the word hardly got passed his lips.

His heart was pounding, and he felt well and truly sick.

Aslan had died, because of him, because of his betrayal, Aslan had taken his punishment, and Peter was right, Edmund would never forgive himself.

"We'll think of something when the right time comes, just don't worry yourself about it now," Came Susan's voice. "He's not gonna find out, I'll try make sure as many people as possible know not to talk about it around him and it'll be fine. But for now we both need to get some sleep, it's late and we've had a long day."

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