286: Narnia was our home

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October 13th - Prompt: I want to go home.


Edmund glanced up from where he'd been sat on his bed, in the dark, reading with a random torch he'd found... which definitely wasn't as good as his own torch, but he certainly wouldn't be getting that back anytime soon... after the second time leaving it behind in Narnia.

He'd heard the front door open, and he really hoped it was Peter, after all he'd been waiting up for him, and it was now nearly 1am. 

He waited a few seconds, before hearing the door close and someone moving around. 

Sighing, Edmund stood from his bed and headed for the door, praying Peter was okay. 

He'd been absolutely fine since Edmund had returned from Eustaces' three weeks ago, but over the last few days he'd been feeling rather down, and Edmund knew he was missing Narnia, especially since him and Lucy had been talking about it a lot. 

Peter of course had been the big brother he always was to Edmund and Lucy, comforting them when they needed it, but it was just becoming a little too much for him, although he wouldn't admit it, no matter how much Edmund had asked him over the last three days. 

Today he had claimed he needed some time alone, and had gone out after dinner, leaving Edmund in the house alone. Susan was at a friends for the night, Lucy was too, and his Mum and Dad were away for the weekend. 

Opening his bedroom door, Edmund frowned when he heard a dull thud, followed by Peter muttering under his breath, and he didn't sound too happy. 

He headed downstairs, stopping on the bottom step when he saw Peter placing a candle holder back on the table by the door, straightening it up before glancing towards the staircase, freezing when he saw Edmund. 

"Do you have any idea how worried I've been?" Edmund murmured. "You've been gone for hours Peter, it's early morning." 

Peter stared at him for a moment, licking his lips before making his way into the kitchen without saying a word. 

Edmund frowned and followed after him, waiting until he'd poured himself a glass of water, when he stumbled a little, reaching out to grab the kitchen side, steadying himself. 

Edmund could hardly believe his eyes as Peter sat down at the kitchen table, and he took a deep breath. "Have you been drinking?" He mumbled. 

"No." Peter lied. 

Edmund walked over, grabbing Peter's chin and lifting his head so he could look at him. "You have!" He exclaimed after a moment. 

Peter groaned and pulled away. "So what?" He muttered. 

Edmund was shocked. "So what?" He echoed. "Peter, you never drink!" 

"I do." Peter argued. 

"Not enough to get you drunk." Edmund corrected. 

"Well apparently tonight I do." Peter grumbled, taking a sip of water from his glass. 

"Why?" Edmund asked, sitting beside him at the table. 

"Ugh would you stop interrogating me." Peter grumbled. "My head hurts." 

"And I wonder why." Edmund muttered, standing and heading over to make a cup of strong coffee for his brother. 

Peter sighed, burying his head in his hands. "Why are you still up anyway." He slurred. 

Edmund rolled his eyes. "I was waiting for you." He replied. "When you leave the house claiming you need some time alone, and then when you're not home by at least midnight, one tends to worry." 

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