229: I know you do

319 17 3

August 17th - Prompt: You promised



Edmund glanced up from where he was sat at his desk, scribbling on a piece of paper which he was currently running out of room on to write on. "Yeah?" He asked, spotting Peter stood in the doorway.

Peter frowned a little. "You feeling okay?" He questioned.

Edmund frowned too. "Yeah..." He said slowly. "What makes you ask?"

"You were coughing a lot just a minute ago..." Peter told him.

Edmund froze for a moment, before taking a deep breath. "I've recently eaten." He replied casually. "I've got something stuck at the back of my throat is all."

Peter stared at him. "You promise?" He said.

Edmund rolled his eyes and smirked. "I promise." He said. "I have just had something to eat."

Peter nodded and chuckled at the smirk, before rolling his own eyes. "Have a drink then you idiot." He muttered playfully.

"I will, don't worry." Edmund said with a small smile, currently holding back another coughing fit.

Peter walked over to grab a cloak from Edmund's bed. "That's mine." He muttered. "Seriously stop taking my stuff." But he said it playfully, smirking.

"Sorry." Edmund smiled.

"Oh and Don't forget the bonfire tonight." Peter told his brother. "7 o'clock, don't be late!"

"I won't be!" Edmund called as Peter left the room, before he doubled over his desk and started coughing again, confident that Peter was out of earshot now.

This cough had been attacking him for perhaps two days now, as well as a lovely headache to go with it.

But he'd managed to hide it for all his siblings, managed to hide the coughing, the pain, the dizziness.

If he was honest he didn't know why he was hiding it, maybe because he didn't want Peter worrying, or Susan hovering, or perhaps he didn't want to miss the bonfire tonight...

A Narnian bonfire truly was an amazing experience, and having one only once a year, Edmund really looked forward to them.

After a good thirty seconds he managed to stop coughing and take a deep breath, groaning as his head pounded in protest, before standing shakily to his feet.

He didn't realise how unsteady he was until he collided with the edge if his desk, almost sitting on the floor but just managing to hold himself up.

He was starting to think having that muffin just a minute ago was a bad idea... he hadn't lied to Peter about the eating part, but there certainly wasn't anything stuck at the back of his throat... either way the food had made him feel more than a little sick.

Steadying himself for a moment, he took a deep breath and walked over to pour himself a glass of water, gripping the cool glass in both hands like a lifeline.

He sipped shakily at the liquid, coughing a few times every now and then, before he sat heavily down on his bed, sighing sadly... why did he have to get sick?

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