259: Elden Castle - Part Two

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September 16th - Prompt: Come home


"That's the place." Peter murmured, looking from the map, to the castle ahead of him, his heart pounding. "That's where Edmund is." 

Orious drew his sword. "What's the plan?" He asked. 

Peter took a deep breath. "It's one against ten," He said. 

"Ten against one sorcerer." Orious pointed out. "If she doesn't want us getting into the castle, she'll make sure we don't get in." 

Peter nearly laughed. "Oh I'm getting in there if it's the last thing I ever do." He said, jumping down from his horse and rolling the map up. 

Orious bowed his head. "We will all be with you the whole way, your majesty." He said firmly. 

Peter gave the centaur a weak smile. "Thank you," He breathed. "And no matter what happens, you have all earned your place in the Narnian army." 

The other nine bowed low, and Peter took a deep breath, before turning back to the castle. "Okay," He murmured. "Let's rescue our King." 


Edmund cried silently, tears streaming down his cheeks as he lay in the empty cell, shaking, trembling and shivering, so much and so hard that he was feeling well and truly sick... or that could be from lack of food. 

He'd only been fed once, as he had eventually managed to walk to Selene, but even then it was only a piece of dry bread with a lump of very, very strong cheese, and he almost couldn't stomach it, but he had forced himself to eat, he had needed it after all. 

He forced back his tears quickly when he heard the cell door open, sniffing quietly and wiping at his eyes before rolling onto his side, groaning in pain and swallowing hard when Selene walked into the room. 

"It would seem, we have a visitor." Selene said slowly, stopping in front of Edmund. 

Edmund's breath caught... Peter. 

"You - You hurt him and I swear I will kill you." He spat, summoning up all the strength he had left, which admittedly wasn't much... but he tried. 

Selene laughed mockingly. "You certainly can't do anything about it." She chuckled. "I did tell you that it wouldn't end well if he came anywhere near here, I did tell you that I would kill him." 

Edmund's heart skipped a beat. "Please, please don't." He choked. "Do anything to me, but please, don't touch Peter." 

He was silenced by a kick in the stomach, causing him to choke harshly before shuddering, taking as deep a breath as his broken ribs would allow. 

"Your brother will die..." Selene told him. "And I will very much enjoy making sure that happens." 

Edmund let out a terrified sob as Selene marched from the room, and he stared after her with tear filled eyes, his vision going blurry after a while, making him blink quickly to clear it. 

He lay there for a moment, before his eyes went wide and his face lit up as much as it could through the pain...

Selene had left the cell door wide open...

Edmund bit his lip, before his face fell again, glancing slowly down at the shackles around his ankles... That's probably why she'd left the door open. 

Swallowing hard, Edmund glanced slowly around the cell, his eyes landing on the lovely collection of weapons in the corner, some of which Selene had used on him over the last few days. 

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