223: I can't do this

375 16 5

August 11th - Prompt: A whisper


"E - Ed?" Peter choked, collapsing to the forest floor with his brother in his arms.

They'd tried drowning him, tried drowning his baby brother, and he was beyond glad he'd been able to get him away, been able to save him.

But Edmund was unconscious, and he wasn't breathing, which is why Peter had stopped, guessing he was a safe distance away from the group who'd kidnapped them.

He held his broken arm close to his chest as he placed a hand on his brother's chest, he was hesitating a little, wondering if he'd be able to do this with a broken bone.

Shaking his head he took a deep breath, biting back a groan when he placed both hands to his brother's chest.

He nearly screamed in pain when he begun compressions, but he wouldn't stop.

"Come on Ed." He choked out, the pain shooting up his arm so bad that he thought cutting the whole limb off would've been less painful.

"Breathe you idiot." His voice was cracking, and he was shaking, and tears were rolling steadily down his cheeks. He was trying so hard not to scream, but with every compression this became harder and harder.

Eventually he cried out, eyes squeezed shut. "Please wake up!" He choked after a few more compressions "Breathe Eddy, breathe! I - I can't - I can't do this-"

He was feeling dizzy from the pain, he was extremely lightheaded, and his arm was certainly even more broken than it was before, but despite what he'd just said, he wouldn't stop, he couldn't stop... he couldn't let his brother die.

After perhaps another five seconds, Edmund suddenly coughed harshly, water spilling over his lips as he tried to take a deep breath.

Peter, with his good arm, yanked Edmund into a sitting position and begun pounding on his back, relief washing over him when his brother eventually coughed up all the water and started gasping for air.

"That's it," He whispered, voice shaking. "Deep breaths, just Breathe, in and out, that's it."

Despite it being said only in a whisper, Edmund heard it loud and clear, and managed to do as his brother was telling him, eventually calming down.

Peter sat there, head pounding, heart pounding, pain shooting up and down his arm and his shoulder, causing more pain that he ever thought possible.

Before he knew it he had collapsed, laying on his side in the mud.


The weak voice was quiet, and Peter's ears were ringing way too much for him to work out what was said next.

He only saw Edmund turn to him through his blurry, dark vision, before everything went black.

But before he passed out, the thought that went through his mind, was at least he'd been able to save his brother, no matter what it had done to his arm...


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