250: My own bed

330 19 4

September 7th - Prompt: Snore


Lucy was woken late one night to her bedroom door opening, causing her to roll over and switch her lamp on, surprised to see Edmund stood in the doorway, looking half asleep and rather very angry.

"Ed?" She asked, keeping her voice quiet.

Edmund, who was wrapped in a blanket, sighed. "Any room for me in that bed?" He muttered.

Lucy frowned. "Huh?" She asked, blinking back sleep.

Edmund ran a hand over his face. "Eustace," He muttered. "He's snoring again, loudly."

Lucy sighed, before nodding and shuffling over to the edge of her bed, pulling back the covers for her brother.

Edmund closed the door and switched the lamp off, dropping his own blanket on the floor before climbing into the bed beside Lucy, a small smile on his face. "Thank you." He whispered.

Lucy nodded, covering him with the blanket, before frowning. "Are you feeling okay?" She asked.

Edmund frowned. "Why?" He asked, his eyes closing as he relaxed.

"You're feeling rather warm." Lucy replied quietly, placing the back of her hand to Edmund's forehead, looking rather concerned.

Edmund shook her hand off. "Im fine." He slurred. "Just need - sleep."

Lucy watched him as he rolled over, burying himself beneath the blanket before falling into a deep sleep.

She sighed a little, laying down herself.

Edmund had really, truly had enough of sharing a room with Eustace. It had been 200 days since they had moved in (yes she'd been counting) and Lucy just didn't find it fair that Edmund had been sleeping on a camp bed in his snoring cousin's room for that long.

With a sigh though she eventually closed her eyes, and it wasn't long before she herself was asleep, glad to be able to help her brother out a little, even if it was just by sharing her bed for the night.


Lucy bit her lip when Edmund eventually woke, dabbing at his forehead with a cold, damp cloth, which if she was honest, was probably what had woken him.

Edmund groaned, his hand reaching up to the cloth as his eyes opened, staring up at Lucy, before he frowned. "What?" He choked, voice hoarse.

Lucy sighed and sat down gently on the edge of her bed, where Edmund still was. "You've got a fever Ed." She told him, keeping her voice quiet as she had no doubt he had a headache.

Edmund blinked at her, before sighing. "I don't feel good." He muttered.

"You just need plenty of rest." Lucy reassured him. "You're to stay in this room for the time being, just don't let Aunt Alberta know, I doubt she'd be happy with a boy and a girl sharing a room."

"She's odd isn't she?" Edmund slurred. "Even though we're siblings, she'd dead against it."

Lucy sighed. "Yeah." She breathed.

"Wish she wasn't." Edmund grumbled. "By this point I feel like murdering Eustace in his sleep."

Lucy chuckled gently. "I know what you mean." She said.

Edmund swallowed hard. "Ugh my head hurts." He muttered.

"And that's why you're staying in here." Lucy said. "You're sick, and you need to sleep, and you definitely won't be getting any if you go back to your own bed tonight."

"I want to go back to my own bed." Edmund said. "At least Peter doesn't snore."

Lucy smiled softly, dabbing the cloth against Edmunds neck.

Edmund had always gotten sick really easily, always managed to catch something from someone, and it did really upset her, because not only did it not take much for Edmund to get sick, he also got sick, there was hardly any "half way" with him.

"We'll go home soon." Lucy whispered eventually. "I can't see it being too much longer."

Edmund glanced at her for a moment. "I hope you're right." He breathed.

Lucy nodded slowly. "Get back to sleep." She said. "I'll make you something to eat for when you wake up."

Edmund nodded a little. "Alright." He whispered. "Thank you."

Lucy smiled and laughed softly, "Don't mention it."


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