216: Crush

483 19 11

August 4th - Prompt: Close your eyes


"You don't look very happy."

Edmund glared up at his brother. "I hate maths that's why." He grumbled. "Worse subject ever."

Peter chuckled. "At least you're good at it." He pointed out.

"Just because I'm good at it, doesn't mean I enjoy it." Edmund told him. "I certainly don't enjoy maths."

"I'd tell you to skip the class but that would be very irresponsible of me." Peter said.

Edmund raised an eyebrow. "Yes, it would be." He agreed.

The two continued down the corridor for a little while, a few people passing them as they went, until a girl passed them.

Said girl smiled softly, gripping her notebook to her chest. "Hi Edmund." She said, almost grinning as she walked passed the two boys and hurried away.

Edmund stopped, looking confused.

"Do you know her?" Peter asked slowly.

Edmund frowned. "She's in my History class." He said. "She always says hi to me."

"What's her name?" Peter questioned.

Edmund thought for a moment. "Abby? something like that." He muttered, still frowning.

Peter stared at him, before smirking.

Edmund stared at him. "What?" He asked.

Peter laughed. "I think she has a crush on you." He told him.

Edmund shook his head. "No way." He muttered, continuing to walk.

"Oh come on." Peter laughed, following along beside him. "Even I saw the way she blushed when she spoke."

Edmund rolled his eyes. "You're being stupid Peter." He said.

Peter snorted. "No, I certainly am not." He said. "I'm right, and deep down you know it."

Edmund sighed. "Even if you are right," He said. "I have no interest in dating, not yet anyway."

"You are only fifteen." Peter agreed.

Edmund got a little defensive at this. "Which is certainly old enough to have a girlfriend by the way." He said firmly.

Peter raised an eyebrow. "Okay." He said slowly, smiling. "I'd wait until you were at least sixteen though."

Edmund rolled his eyes, before noticing the girl walking towards him again, this time with a friend.

"How'd she get there?" Edmund hissed, looking down and closing his eyes.

Peter snorted. "Yeah okay, close your eyes, that'll make her go away." He teased.

Edmund opened his eyes and glared at him. "She's a nice girl, I know, I have nothing against her." He whispered. "In fact she'd make a good friend, I just don't want a relationship right now..."

Peter chuckled. "I know." He said. "And I'm very glad."

Edmund resisted the urge to roll his eyes again, and slowly looked up, holding his breath as the two girls passed them.

"Hi Edmund."

"Hi Peter..."

Now it was Peter's turn to stop dead in the middle of the corridor as the sound of giggling girls faded round a corner.

Edmund smirked up at him. "You know her?" He copied.

Peter frowned. "No..." He said slowly.

Edmund laughed. "Well she certainly knows you." He told him. "And perhaps she might have a bit of a crush, if the giggling was anything to go by."

Peter glared at him. "Oh shut up." He grumbled.

Edmund grinned. "I just guess we're way too good looking." He laughed.

Peter raised an eyebrow. "Well, maybe I am." He said. "I dunno what that girl sees in you."

Edmund gasped in mock horror. "I'll have you know I am very attractive." He said firmly.

Peter smirked. "Whatever you say, your majesty." He joked around.

"Hey, you're the one that had all the girls after you in Narnia." Edmund pointed out. "Let me have this one."

Peter chuckled. "Okay." He said. "Yes Edmund, I am sure she had a crush on you because you are such a good looking boy."

Edmund raised an eyebrow at Peter's tone of voice, emotionless and like it was read from a script, but with a hint of mocking nearer the end.

"I hate you." He grumbled, shaking his head.

"Oh I know." Peter laughed.

"Hey, this teasing could go both ways." Edmund pointed out. "A girl also tried flirting with you, so zip it before I start getting sassy."

Peter snorted. "Alright." He chuckled.

"I need to get to class." Edmund said.

"Bet you're glad it's not History." Peter teased.

Edmund thought for a moment, before smiling. "I'll see you later then." He said, before stepping into a nearby room.

Peter frowned a little at his sudden behaviour, before turning around, only to see the girl that had said hi to him walking towards him again. "Crap." He muttered, and dashed into the library.


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