342: If I could have one wish...

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December 8th - Prompt: A wish


It's been two weeks now, two weeks of him just - ignoring me.

He doesn't reply when I talk to him.

He leaves every time I enter a room he's in.

He doesn't smile at me anymore.

He doesn't laugh with me anymore.

He doesn't ask me questions.

He doesn't talk to me.

He just ignores me, every second of every day.

I don't know why but I can feel a huge argument coming, and at this rate, it's going to be me who snaps first.

I know it's a hard time right now, what with Dad going away, but it doesn't excuse his behaviour.

I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to get a little mad.

And I hate myself for it.

But he just won't do anything.

If I could have one wish, I'd wish to have the old him back, the one from before Dad left, the happy him, the chatty him, the kind and considerate him.

But that wish isn't coming true anytime soon, as much as I wish it would.

I'm sorry in advance if I end up snapping at him, but this just isn't fair, on any of us.


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