221: Right here... right now

369 17 3

August 9th - Prompt: A scream


"Leave now while you can... and your brother leaves with you."

Peter froze, his eyes widening a little.

"No Peter! Narnia needs ya! Gut him while you still have the chance!"

Peter's heart was pounding, one hundred and one thoughts rushing through his mind as he held his sword shakily up at the wolf.

"Maybe this will help you make a decision." Maugrum all of a sudden whispered, before raising his head and glancing up and behind them all.

Peter was almost too scared to turn around, but he made himself eventually, and nearly choked at what he saw.

Up beside the Waterfall, where they'd been only five minutes before, stood staring down at them all, was the Witch.

But what worried Peter the most, was that Edmund was stood beside her.

Peter couldn't quite see his face, but from what he could work out, he looked scared, that and the witch had a firm grip on his arm.

"You honestly think you could outrun me?"

Despite being so far above them, they could all hear Jadis' voice loud and clear, and Peter slowly lowered his sword as he listened.

"All I want is for you all to leave." Jadis all but laughed. "I don't want any trouble."

"Don't listen to her!" Mr.Beaver cried, but was quickly silenced.

"But I guess if none of you want to leave, I will have to find other ways to stop this prophecy from coming true." Jadis said thoughtfully.

Peter's heart leapt as the witch pushed his brother forward until he was on the very edge of the cliffside, when Edmund had no choice but to latch onto her arm, trying to take a step back, but she wouldn't let him.

"Stop!" Peter hardly even noticed the scream that left his mouth, and hardly noticed when he took a few steps forward.

The witch laughed, pushing Edmund a little more until one of his feet slipped off the edge.

He stumbled, but with one foot still on solid ground, he managed to stay where he was, gripping the witch like he'd never let go, and Peter prayed he wouldn't.

Peter could see Edmunds face now, and he looked so terrified he felt sick, but he didn't know if there was anything he could do.

"Are you going to do as I ask and leave?" Jadis asked. "If you leave I will return your brother to you right here, and right now."

Peter swallowed hard, blocking out Mrs.Beavers sudden shouts and cries, his heart pounding so loud he could hear it.

Jadis seemed to grow impatient, for she grabbed the back of Edmund's shirt and pushed him forward, so he was left leaning right over the edge, gripping on with one foot digging into the ground, and one hand gripping the witches wrist, a choked gasp escaping him.

"Edmund!" Lucy screamed, voice breaking.

Peter took a deep breath. "Okay!" He called up. "We'll leave! Just give us our brother back!"

"As you wish."

Peter took a deep breath, nodding slowly before hesitantly turning to his sisters, intending on letting them know that everything was going to be fine, but that was a grave mistake.

Suddenly, both his sisters screamed, heartbreaking, shrill screams.

Susan's hand went to her mouth as her eyes went wide, and Lucy immediately burst into tears.

Peter swung around when he heard another scream, one he knew all too well to be his brother's, and staggered back a few steps when he watched as Edmund, his baby brother, hit the solid ice in front of them...  the thud he made as he hit the ground almost deafening to Peter.

"I have returned you your brother! Now leave!"

But Peter ignored her, his breathing turning into small pants as he stared at his brother, who wasn't moving a muscle where he lay.

After a moment, he slowly made his way over, kneeling on the ice beside Edmund.

With shaking hands he rolled him onto his back, his breath catching when he saw his face.

A permanent faint frown of terror was etched into it, but mostly he just looked... asleep.

Peter was hardly aware of anything else as he placed a hand to Edmunds chest, and when, after a whole minute, he didn't feel a heartbeat, he couldn't help it, and burst into tears.

And before he knew it, he squeezed his eyes shut, opened his mouth, and just screamed.


Peter woke with a scream, sitting bolt upright in bed as the visions of his dream scattered.

"Shhh Peter, you're okay, lay back down."

He could feel someone pressing a cold, damp cloth to his forehead, and eventually figured out that it was his brother. "E - Ed?" He choked.

Edmund pushed him gently back to lay down, sighing. "Your fever has gotten worse," He explained. "It was a dream, brought on by the fever okay? It wasn't real."

Peter swallowed hard, his head pounding as he lay there. He groaned after a while, not feeling good at all.

"Just rest Peter," Edmund soothed. "Close your eyes and rest, you'll be okay, I promise."

And Peter, too exhausted to do much else, closed his eyes and very soon fell back into a deep, nightmare free sleep.

Much to Edmunds relief.


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