242: I do

319 15 20

August 30th - Prompt: Reading


This is a sequel to my fanfiction 'Alliance' that I wrote a little while back, but it can also be read separately :)


All Edmund wanted to do was read in peace, after all it had been a long week.

Besides, he enjoyed reading, especially in the middle of the woods, surrounded by trees, and sun, and the sound of the small stream nearby.

The book he was reading was extremely fascinating, even after having read it twice already, and he was currently enjoying it in his favourite place, with some food and drink Susan had so kindly packed for him.

He was curled up under a thin blanket, just to keep him perfectly warm in the early October breeze, and he was very much comfortable, sat there reading in this way...

That was until he heard a branch snap.

Edmund glanced up from his book, rolling his eyes. "If that's you Peter, go away." He said. "You'll never get me back for that prank, not by trying - and failing - to sneak up on me like this."

He was met by only silence, making him frown.

"Lu, if that's you, you're supposed to be helping Susan in the gardens today." Edmund tried. "She won't be happy if she finds you've run off."

Again, only silence.

"Susan if that's you..." Edmund paused. "Yes, your food is lovely."

To be honest he had no reason to believe it was Susan, after all Susan was most definitely back at Cair getting on with her work, like she said she would be.

When he heard what was definitely a footstep he groaned. "Can't I have a few hours peace to do some reading?" He asked, removing the blanket and going to stand.

But before he could get to his feet, he felt something cover his mouth, the smell of it so strong that he went dizzy immediately.

He struggled weakly for a few moments, before he collapsed, his eyes closing.

And after a further few seconds, everything went black.


Edmund woke goodness knows how long later, to find himself tied to a chair by his hands and feet.

He nearly rolled his eyes... Trust him to get kidnapped when literally just reading.

"You're awake then!"

Edmund frowned at the almost cheerful voice, and despite his pounding head, he slowly glanced up, spotting a man... with a crown on his head... a King.

"I was beginning to think you never would." The man laughed. "My men must've used something rather strong to knock you out like that."

Edmund shuddered at just the memory of the smell, before swallowing hard. "What do you want with me?" He asked. "Because if its information, I don't talk easily."

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