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"How about this?"

"That's beautiful, oh my God,"

"I don't think the shirts cropped enough,"

"I'll crop it, pass it over,"

I looked over to see my sister and her friends getting ready for a party. The six of them were in the living room, borrowing clothes and adjusting outfits. Meanwhile, I sat in the kitchen eating a granola bar for dinner so I could go back to my room and hide away.

As I finished eating, their boyfriends all entered, all excited to see each other. Quietly, I went back upstairs and went into mine and my sisters room. I laid down on my bed and went on Netflix, watching a documentary before falling asleep for the evening, though it was only eight in the evening.

I was woken up very early in the morning by my older sister, shaking me violently. My eyes shot open as I turned to look at her, and it was clear she was drunk, "Out,"


"Out, Amber," she snarled. I obeyed and left the room, walking past a guy who was also drunk.

Before I could leave, he grabbed me, "Maybe it could just be a threesome, Kate," he grinned, keeping a tight grip on me as I tried to pull away.

"She's my younger sister, Brad," Kate rolled her eyes.

"Great, I get both sisters," he smiled, his hand sliding up my leg.

"Let go of me," I demanded, pulling away the best I could as he touched me.

"Brad, come on, I'm waiting," Kate groaned. He finally let go of me and joined her as I quickly exited the room. I walked past the small party going on downstairs and went outside, sitting on the back patio as tears flooded my vision. Like Sierra recommended, I did my normal deep breathing exercises, but nothing was working.

Ever since dad passed away, my life has gone downhill. I lived with six women in their late twenties who behaved like high schoolers, constantly had men in and out of the house, got harassed by these older men, and the worst part was my sister wanted nothing to do with me. I wanted to get this all off my chest, but if I told someone I didn't know what would happen to me.

The party inside didn't die down, just became more wild. I stayed outside on the patio, staring at the ground as I thought about my dad. He was the only person who had ever been there for me, no matter what. Now, I didn't have anybody like that. I was alone in the world, and I was confused. As I checked my phone to see it was three in the morning, I decided to not call Sierra. She told me I always had the option, though sometimes she might not answer, but it was an ungodly hour, I wasn't going to wake her. Instead, I spent the rest of the evening out on the patio, alone with my thoughts.

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