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I was woken up the next morning with Petunia trying to push me off the bed as she stretched out. I groaned as I sat up, keeping my balance at the edge of the bed with none of the covers over me. Instead, Petunia, Amber, and Sierra had taken all the room and covers, leaving me with the bare minimum I needed to fall asleep. Normally I would get up and start to make breakfast, but I had remembered I promised Amber I'd be there while she was asleep, so instead I laid on my side and went on my phone.

There were multiple texts from Ashton who was asking about the details for Outer Banks and wondering if we could all meet up to talk about it more. Obviously no one had responded since he was always the first up and I was betting everyone else was running late to work, but I texted back offering my place for everyone to meet and talk about what the plan was, since we were leaving Friday and it was now Tuesday.

"When did she come in?" I heard Sierra ask, making me look up from my phone.

"Around one in the morning," I answered, turning it off. "Petunia joined,"

"Any specific reason?"

"Worried about that guy finding her," I admitted, which made her sigh as she moved Amber's hair out of her face.

"Poor girl,"

"I know you can't be her psychiatrist, but what is our plan now?"

"I'm going to find another one, preferably not at our hospital,"

"How come?"

"I don't want one of my colleagues taking the sessions after I did, it just seems weird. I'm going to try to find one specific to her trauma,"

"I can look into a doctor and dentist for her," I offered and she nodded. "I think everyone's coming over to talk about the vacation tonight,"

"Pizza night?"

"I was thinking tacos,"

"That works," she nodded. We were quiet, but what broke the silence was Amber starting to stir and wake up, to be greeted by us. "Morning angel," Sierra smiled. Amber didn't respond, but huffed and buried herself further into the comforter.

"Breakfast?" I offered, but she shook her head. "We're going to get ready for work, do you want to stay in my office today?" To that, she nodded which was a relief. Sierra and I both got up and began to get ready, rushing around her our half days that we were taking this week since we were still trying to get Amber settled in.

As we were wrapping up getting ready, I saw Sierra sitting on the edge of the bed, gently trying to wake Amber up more who had fallen back asleep. I loved seeing how the two interacted. Sierra had taken a big step back from her doctor role, but instead became a mother figure, which was what Amber needed. She was gentle and understanding with her, and I could tell Amber adored her. Meanwhile, I had no idea what I was to her. I don't think I had filled a father role, but I didn't know if that's what she wanted. I didn't want to overstep, I knew she loved her dad, and I was unsure if she wanted someone to take that role.

"Luke, you ok?" Sierra snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked back over to her and saw Amber was now gone.

"Yeah, I'm ok,"

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