twenty one

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Sierra had to stay a little bit later after work, so Luke had taken us back while Sierra was going to get a ride with Crystal when she finished. When we had gotten back home, I laid on the couch with Petunia as I watched a movie on TV. Luke was ordering tacos from some place, but he came out to the living room when he finished. "Everyone should be here soon, and the food will come in an hour,"

"Ok," I quietly mumbled. He was focused on his phone while I watched the movie, but the silence made me uncomfortable. It made me think too much, and I hated that. Instead of sitting alone, I got up and went over to Luke, sitting down next to him, which made him look up from his phone.

"Long day?" he asked, his arms wrapping around me.

"Yeah," I nodded, grabbing the blanket and draping it over us. Petunia came over and laid her head in my lap as I laid against Luke.

"Want to talk?"

"I just overthink a lot,"

"I don't think you overthink, I think everything is still fresh in your head,"


"Perhaps we should get you signed up for more sessions,"

"But Sierra can't do them,"

"We'll find someone else. It could be good to also have an outside person to talk to," he suggested. I didn't say anything, but brought the blanket to my chin. "Do you need anything?"

"Just you,"

"Lucky for you, I can do that," he pulled me into a tighter hug, making me giggle.

"I'm excited for the trip," I told him.

"It's going to be fun,"

"Is Petunia coming?"

He sighed and shook his head, "No, not this time angel," he admitted. "She's going to stay back at a doggy daycare with our friends dogs as well,"

"But why can't she come?"

"The house has a no dog rule,"


"But when we get back she will be so excited to see you," he reassured me and I nodded. "What are you and Ashton going to do?"

"I don't know, I'm letting him pick,"

"I'm sure he wants your input to,"

"Maybe," I shrugged.

"You two will have a lot of fun," he smiled. "He's a fun guy to hang out with,"

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