twenty four

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"I don't like the time change," Amber mumbled as we got ready for bed.

"It's a little weird, eh?" I asked.

"It's already nine, and I don't feel good,"

"Are you sick?" I frowned.

"No, mentally," she answered.

"What's up?" Sierra questioned.

"I didn't do anything today, I don't feel well,"

"We did a lot of traveling, it's hard to do things," Sierra explained. "Tomorrow we will do a lot though, and it will feel a lot better,"

"I hope,"

"You're also upset about a lot of other things, that's adding more pressure," Sierra added as she moved Amber's hair out of her face after sitting next to her on the bed. "Maybe when we get back we should sign you up for sessions again,"

"Yeah," Amber nodded. "I want to talk about it, but it's hard. I know it sounds stupid,"

"Not stupid at all," I reassured her. "If you ever want to talk about anything, we will listen, but do that on your own time. It's hard to talk about problems,"

"I wish I could," she sighed.

"We will all work towards that then," Sierra lightly smiled. "Should we go to the beach tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Amber nodded with a smile.

"Would you like me to go get the extra twin bed in Calum's room?" I asked her. "We can lay it on the floor,"

"I want to sleep in this bed, if that's ok,"

"That's ok, just wanted to make sure," I smiled.

"What do I call you guys?" she questioned. "Because you haven't adopted me yet, but you're going to,"

"You can call us mom or dad, or Luke and Sierra, it's whatever you want," Sierra told her.


"And whatever you pick we will respect," I added.

"Do I have to pick now?" she asked.

"No, whenever you want to, and you can always switch," I promised.

"Can we go to sleep now?" she questioned.

"Of course, tired from the plane?" I chuckled as she crawled into the middle of the bed, covering herself up with the covers.

"Mhm," she hummed.

"We'll be right over, we need to finish getting ready," Sierra kissed her forehead. The two of us went back into the bathroom, finishing up our night routine quietly. "I love her so much," Sierra smiled.

"I do too," I agreed. "I'm so glad we did this,"

"I am too," she pecked my lips. "Thank you,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

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