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The next morning I was the first up. Sierra was fast asleep, but I quickly got ready before going to Amber's room to check on her. When I opened the door, I saw her fast asleep, hugging Petunia who refused to leave her side. The two had been inseparable, and I could tell it was going to stay that way. After taking a picture of them, I went downstairs and got breakfast started for all of us. I knew Sierra liked to sleep in as much as she could, but I didn't know if Amber woke up early or slept in.

As music played through my phone, I made some french toast and eggs, but by the time I finished no one came down. Instead of letting it get cold, I went back up and woke the two up. Neither seemed to care or want to get up, but eventually they came down and joined me for breakfast.

"How did you sleep?" I asked Amber as she sat next to Sierra, placing her small, ratted blanket on her lap.

"Good," she yawned as she picked up her fork to eat.

"Petunia was ok?"

"Yeah, she was," Amber confirmed with a nod. As we began to eat, Sierra joined in the conversation after waking up a bit more.

"Do you want to go shopping today?"

"You don't have to get me anything," Amber repeated the same thing she was saying yesterday.

"We want to," I told her. "We can head out and get a late lunch,"


"And if you want, tonight we can have our friends over," I added.

"Yeah," Amber nodded with a smile. We finished up breakfast and went upstairs to get ready. After I finished getting ready, I took Petunia out and fed her, but Sierra and Amber still weren't ready. To my luck, Ashton ended up calling me, so that got to kill some time as I waited.

"Hey man, how's it going?" he asked.

"It's going great, honestly," I admitted with a smile as I sat down on the couch. "I was going to ask if you and Margaret wanted to come over today, along with Calum, Michael, and Crystal,"

"Yeah, definitely," he agreed.

"She remembers you, she asked about you last night,"

"I see her sometimes at the hospital, I knew that she was Sierra's patient. I didn't know if there was bad blood between us since I couldn't do anything," he admitted.

"No, not at all. She actually wanted to thank you," I reassured him.

"I didn't do anything,"

"Yeah you did, you at least tried," I argued. "A lot of doctors wouldn't have done as much as you did,"

"I guess," he mumbled. I could tell he didn't want to discuss it anymore, so I changed the topic.

"She wants to go to Outer Banks with us,"

"Awesome, that will be fun," he instantly cheered up. "That's coming up,"

"We need to figure out the details,"


"I gotta get going, I just wanted to check in, but I'll see you tonight,"

"See you then,"

"Love you,"

I chuckled and shook my head, "Love you too, bye,"



A/N: if you read my book hurt, the sequel is out now! you can check out "heal" now :)

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