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For two hours I was just stuck in the office. I met Crystal, who was very nice, and she had brought up some food, but I hadn't seen Sierra in awhile. She had told me to call or text, but I didn't want to be a bother, so I didn't. Kate had called me a couple of times and texted (mostly threats), but I didn't respond. It was better to not say anything right now.

Though I tried to wait it out, I finally caved and left the office. I walked down to Sierra's office, but froze in my tracks when I saw her talking to some officers and another person. "So this is an abuse case?"

"Child neglect, child endangerment, child abuse, sexual assault of a minor, and sexual harassment of a minor," she clarified.

"Is she in a safe environment now?"

"Yeah, I have her here, she's safe,"

"Any family?"

"No, I checked,"

"So then foster care,"

"That's the best option,"

"I can find a family after I talk to her,"

Instead of waiting around, I sped walk away from the office. There was no way I was going to foster care, especially after Sierra had promised I'd be safe. I found the stairs and quickly raced down the three flights and went to the exit. While I walked off, I looked through my contacts trying to find a solution to all of this. If I called any of my friends, their parents would just send me right back to the police. My sister wasn't an option either.

And it hit me at that moment that I was completely alone.

I turned off my phone and walked until I was in town. From there, I went into a local cafe and sat down after ordering a coffee. I had to figure out something, but there were no options honestly. I didn't have much money, I only had my phone, wallet, and the clothes on my back, and I knew the police were looking for me.

As I sipped my coffee, my phone continuously rang with Sierra's name popping up. It wasn't just once or twice, it was continuous. I tried to ignore it, but it kept happening and I knew it would drain my phone battery. After seven times, I finally caved and answered.

"Amber, where are you?" she asked frantically.

"I'm not going to foster care," I replied with a shaky voice. "You're not sending me there, no one is,"

"Amber," she sighed, clearly defeated, "it's the best option,"

"No it's not," I shook my head.

"Please, just come back so we can talk this out,"

"We can work together to find what the best option is for you, but you need to come back. There is no escaping this,"

"Yes there is, I can figure something out," I argued.

"You're just a kid, whether you want to believe that or not. You're only a kid and you shouldn't have to deal with this alone," she told me. "We just want to help you,"

"I don't know the way back," I admitted, "and my phone will die soon,"

"Where are you?"

"At some coffee shop, it's the 24 hour one,"

"I know that one, I can send my husband over to pick you up and bring you back, alright?"


"I promise that we'll figure out what's best for you," she reassured me, but before I could respond, my phone died. I sighed and put it down on the table, biting my lip as I looked down.

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