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I don't know how she convinced us to let her watch the court case. It was the last thing I wanted her to do, same with Sierra, but Sierra was the one that convinced me. It was Amber's decision, she had the right to see what was going to happen, what they would say, what the decision was. I wanted nothing more than to turn off the TV and shield her from it all, but I had to. It wasn't my choice.

We had been watching since it started. It was the final court day, where the decision would be made. The case had been going on for awhile, I remember seeing it on TV, but Amber was hidden from it. Her sister never told her, but now she knew. She hadn't said a word to either of us, and wouldn't sit next to us. She sat on the floor with Petunia, petting her without looking away.

Anytime one of the guys would appear on the TV I would see her visibly tense up. Her breath would hitch, but she just nodded when we asked if she was ok. She wouldn't speak to us, and I didn't want her to be forced to say anything. That wasn't fair to her, but I wish she would talk to us.

The court finally took a break, leading us to a commercial break. It felt wrong to watch commercials, but we were. She didn't move though, not until the verdict came. This court case that lasted months was finally coming closer to an end. Only a couple of guys were there in the case, but that was the best we could do for now. It brought some comfort.

When the jury read the verdict for the two men to be in prison for thirty years, Amber's head finally spun around, "Only 30 years?" she questioned.

"It's only a couple of them, Amber," I softly reminded her.

"They killed people,"

"Those guys didn't," Sierra clarified, "it doesn't make it any less ok that they aren't there for life, but that was what the jury came to,"

"That's a fucking stupid decision," she spat.

"I agree," I quickly nodded, knowing she was right. It did suck, and I knew that wasn't what she expected, but that was what happened.

"What about the rest of them?"

"When they have their court case, we will watch, but it's not up right now," I explained. She was quiet as she looked down, petting Petunia silently.

"Come here, baby, talk to us," Sierra held her arms out. Surprisingly, she came over, instantly falling into Sierra's hold as I held her hand.

"I'm just disappointed, and frustrated," she mumbled.

"That's a fair reaction, it's not fair they don't have life in prison. We agree with you," I reassured her, kissing the back of her hand. "We still have more people though,"

"I want them all locked away,"

"They will be," Sierra promised, "we don't know how long, but they'll be locked away,"

"I'll only be ok when they're locked away," she mumbled.

"One day it will happen, but we need to keep working towards getting you better," I moved the hair out of her face. "And you are getting so much better,"

"I just want everything ok,"

"Do you feel it's getting there?" Sierra asked.

"I don't feel trapped anymore, I feel better," she told us honestly, bringing a smile to my face.

"That's all we can ask for," I said.

"And things will get better, it takes a lot of time," Sierra added. "But we'll get there, all of us together,"

"Promise?" she looked at Sierra, then me.

"We promise,"

A/N: and that's the book! i hope you all enjoyed it, i loved writing this book. don't worry, there are more lierra books coming soon ;)

thanks for reading! please vote! :)

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