thirty four

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The rest of the trip went quickly, but smoothly. The last day Sierra and I even got time alone, letting Amber hang out with Calum as we went out on a date before returning to California to resume our work. We had many appointments set up for Amber, which were quickly postponed when she woke up on Sunday with a high fever. As much as Sierra and I were trying, the fever wasn't budging, but instead giving us a moody, emotional daughter.

"It's not doing anything, just making me sticky," Amber pushed the washcloth off of her forehead in frustration.

"It's breaking your fever, you need to give it time," I placed it back on her forehead, though she protested.

"I hate your doctor mode," she mumbled.

"I'm trying to help," I told her, but she just turned away from me, breaking out into a sob.

"I don't feel well," she cried, choking on her sobs, which just made her cough.

"I know, princess," I sighed, rubbing her back. "We're trying to help you get better though,"

"It's not working,"

"It's been a day," I reminded her. "It's probably a cold that you will get over soon, with rest, fluids, and breaking your fever," She turned back towards me, letting me wipe her tears with a small smile. "It's never fun being sick, but mom will be back soon with Petunia, she'll definitely make you feel better,"


"How about I make soup and you can pick something to watch?" I offered, handing her the remote. She agreed, so I left her to rest as I went downstairs, quickly putting together some soup. As I cooked with music playing, the garage opened and soon Sierra came in, releasing Petunia from her leash, who rushed over and tackled me.

"How is she feeling?" Sierra asked as I knelt down, hugging Petunia tightly.

"Not well,"

"Fever not breaking?"

"Not yet,"

She sighed, "Perhaps I should ask Calum to give her a check up,"

"I think it's a cold, we should wait and see if she gets better. It could also be her anxiety that's making her more sick,"

"It could be, it's been getting worse lately,"

"I set up an appointment next week,"

"Good, I'll have you take her,"

"I'll go with you to the appointment with Calum," I offered, making her raise an eyebrow.

"You shouldn't go, you'll argue with him,"

"I won't,"

"You always argue with Calum," she said. "I'll take her and catch you up after, as you will do with the therapy appointment,"

"Fine," I mumbled, knowing I would lose the battle. I stood back up, turning my attention to the soup as Sierra went upstairs to check on Amber. I already knew Amber would feel better with her there, for Sierra wasn't a doctor and wouldn't force her to keep that washcloth on her forehead.

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