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"How does that look?" Sierra asked after curling my hair.

"Really good," I smiled, running my fingers through it. "Thank you,"

"You're welcome," she smiled and unplugged the curler. "I think Luke finished up breakfast, if you want to head down,"

"Are you coming down?"

"Yeah, I'll be down," she confirmed with a nod. "How are you feeling?"

"I didn't really sleep last night," I admitted. Though she was going to finish getting ready, she instead sat down on the bed as I sat at the vanity chair, leaning back.

"Any nightmares?" Normally I would lie, but I was here now. Lying didn't do anything, so I nodded to confirm that I was. "What about?"

"I think about that guy a lot," I mumbled, looking down. "And I can't stop,"

"What you went through is something no one should go through, and it's something that you can't forget about, especially right now,"

"How am I supposed to move on?"

"It just takes a lot of time and a lot of support. When you're ready to talk about it, you can, and I will listen or whoever will listen. And you have the option to press charges,"

"I do?" I looked at her surprised.

"You do," she nodded.

"I don't know the guy though,"

"But your sister does, and we can get his name," she told me. "Think about it, it's your choice,"

"Ok," I nodded.

"What else is on your mind?" she asked. I just shrugged in response, not saying anything. "If you don't want to talk anymore, that's ok. It's your decision,"

"I don't want to talk anymore," I said.

"That's ok, do you need anything?"

"A hug?" I questioned. She held out her arms and immediately I hugged her, letting her hold me tightly. I thought I would have let go quickly, but instead I hugged her as tears fell down my face. As she rubbed my back, I buried my face into her shoulder, which made her hold me tightly as I held back tightly.

After I calmed down, I picked my head up and Sierra wiped my cheeks, "I love you,"

"I love you too," I responded with a shaky voice. "I don't want to go downstairs,"

"Lie in here for a while. I'm going to get ready," she said. I nodded and got off her lap then laid on her side of the bed, throwing the covers back over me as I pulled out my phone to watch Youtube. As I watched the video, Petunia came in and jumped on the bed, curling up next to me. I let one of my arms drape over her as the video played, the volume low but still so I could hear.

"Hey, there you are," I looked up and saw Luke coming in. "Doing ok?"

"Mhm," I nodded in response, looking back at the video.

"Want company?"

"Mhm," He laid down next to me and I scooted over next to him, laying perpendicular to him and using his chest as a pillow. As I laid there, I still kept petting Petunia and watching the video. I was honestly just relieved that Luke respected that I didn't want to talk, because I was done talking today.

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