twenty three

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The day was finally here. It was four in the morning and we were at the airport about to board the plane. As we were waiting in line, I was leaning against Luke due to how tired I was. Luckily he was ok with it and didn't mind. It was a ten hour flight, so I was excited to sleep.

After we got on the plane, Luke put our luggage up, then sat at the aisle seat. I sat at the window seat, rubbing my eyes to try to stay awake.

"Once we're in the air you can sleep," Sierra promised.

"I didn't sleep well last night," I mumbled.

"You were upset last night, it was hard to sleep," she said, which was true. We dropped Petunia off last night, and I didn't want to drop her off. It was pretty upsetting, and harder to sleep, which resulted in me not sleeping.

"I'm still sad,"

"It's ok to be sad, but you'll see her soon," she reminded me. "Plus, we'll be at the beach, that will be very exciting,"

"Yeah, it will," I agreed. Soon the plane was able to take off. I had quickly fallen asleep from exhaustion, but was woken up by Sierra when we arrived. I felt a little bit more energized after getting off the plane, but was still tired.

"I'll go get the rental car," Ashton offered once we were off the plane.

"I'll get your luggage," Calum said. Him and Margaret left while the rest of us went to get the luggage. Once we got the luggage, we met Ashton and Margaret out front and piled into the two cars they got, then left for the beach house.

"I was looking up the house last night," Ashton spoke up, "and there are only four rooms,"

"That's alright, Amber can stay with us," Luke said.

"We'll give you the biggest room,"

"Thank you," Sierra chuckled.

"They're having a firework show July 3 and July 4 on the beach, we could go," Ashton offered.

"That would be a lot of fun," Luke smiled and turned around, looking at me.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"You haven't said much, bug," Sierra noticed.

"I'm hungry," I admitted.

"Don't worry, we'll get food soon, I'm hungry too," Ashton promised. "What do you want?"

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"We'll just pick a restaurant," Sierra said. "Then we can all pick something that we want,"

"Good," I sighed in relief.

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