thirty six

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"What movie next?"

"None," Amber mumbled, bringing the blanket closer to her face.

"Rest time?" I questioned and she nodded.

"Where's Petunia?"

"She brings in dirt and allergies, so she is staying downstairs while you rest," I explained. I expected a protest, but I didn't get any. Her head just fell back down on the pillow as her eyes shut to sleep. I stayed, hearing her breathing heavily. Being honest, I didn't want to leave her side. I was too worried she would wake up unable to breathe, and if I was doing other things I couldn't be there.

While she slept I went downstairs to let Petunia out, but then came back in and laid back in my bed, scrolling through my phone as Amber slept. Eventually Sierra came home, frowning when she saw me, "Have you two moved?"

"We had lunch," I gestured to the bowls of soup.

"You're allowed to do other things as she slept," Sierra chuckled.

"Didn't have anything to do,"

"The messy kitchen calling your name downstairs says otherwise,"

"Stay with her while I go down?"

"Lu, she's fine," she reassured me. "We have the humidifier and we'll came up every so often to check on her,"


"Come on, I'll help you clean the kitchen so we can mess it up again for dinner," she grabbed my hand. I groaned as she pulled me out of bed, dragging me downstairs. As we cleaned and then cooked, she went on about her day. She informed me of everything I missed, but my mind was barely there as I felt myself glancing at the clock often.

"You're not even listening,"

"I am, you and Crystal got lunch," I turned my head to look at her.

"She's fine upstairs, you can go check if you'd like, but she's ok,"

"No, then I would prove you right,"

She chuckled and shook her head, wiping her hands on the towel before starting to head up, "I'll check on her then,"

"Can you make sure her breathing is alright?" I questioned, "you can use my stethoscope if she's awake, and make sure the humi-"

"Luke, you go then," she sighed.

"No, you do it,"

"I'm going to go in, make sure she's asleep and is breathing, then I'm leaving," she told me, then turned around and went up. I waited a minute until she came back down, "She's alive,"

"You were too quick,"

"Luke," she laughed before coming over and cupping my face, "you are turning into me, stop,"

"I'm a hypocrite,"

"You are, but for good reasons," she pecked my lips then spoke, "we worry too much,"

"I know,"

"That's why we have each other,"

"We balance each other out well, don't we?"

"We do, but I think Amber does the best job at that," she said.

"I agree, I love our little family,"

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