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While Luke and Sierra were talking to Ms. Robin, I continued to fill out some questionnaires. Most of them were just about things I like and don't like, so it felt like ice breakers from school. Personally, I hated it, but I continued to effortlessly answer the questions. Before I could finish the paper though, the door opened and Ms. Robin came back in. I couldn't read her face from how she was feeling, but she sat across from me with a sigh.

"I have a couple wanting to take you in," she told me, "it would be an immediate placement, and they are wanting to adopt you or obtain legal guardianship,"

"Ok," I quietly responded.

"Would you like to talk to them? Get to know them?" she questioned, so I just nodded. She got back up and went out of the room while I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on top of them. I wasn't looking forward to living with new people, but I didn't really have an option.

The door opened again and I looked over to see Luke and Sierra coming in. I didn't say anything as they sat across from me, but we were all silent. I finally caved and broke that silence, "They found a couple that wants to take me in,"

"They did?" Sierra asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"We heard a little bit about them," Luke told me. "It's just a couple, got married four years ago. They have a bulldog, are really close with their friends, like to go on picnics," he listed off.

"And they're taking a trip to Outer Banks soon," Sierra added, which made me sit up. That made me connect everything, since Sierra had told me they were going to the Outer Banks.

"You guys are the couple?" I questioned.

"We are," Luke nodded with a smile. "And if you're willing to give us a chance, we would love to have you stay with us,"

"It's your decision," Sierra told me. "If you do live with us, I can't be your psychiatrist, but we can find a different one and you can always talk to me about your problems," she explained.

"I would like that," I lightly smiled.

"Really?" Luke grinned widely and I nodded. "I'll go tell Ms. Robin," he jumped up and rushed out, making us giggle.

"I'm excited to have you live with us," Sierra told me.

"I'm excited too," I admitted as I picked at my nails. "A little nervous though,"

"Why nervous?" she asked, but I shrugged. "Is there something on your mind,"

"I don't know," I sighed. "I feel trapped in my memories,"

"Let me help you escape them," she said, making me look up. "I know that before I was being a doctor, but that's not what you need right now, and I understand that now. Whatever you need, we will provide, but it's going to take a lot of work, if you're willing to do the work,"

"I am," I confirmed. "I want to get better,"

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