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"Do you like dogs?" Luke asked.


"We have a bulldog, her name's Petunia," he told me. "You'll love her,"

"I can't wait to meet her," I said. He pulled into my sister's driveway and we got out, heading inside. I looked around the trashed, empty living room, feeling my heart start to speed up. As Sierra and Luke looked around, I stared at the couch where it all happened. Where I begged him to get off of me, where I fought my hardest, where I finally broke.

"Amber?" I was snapped out of my trance and looked over at the two. Concern was written all over their face, but I shook it off.

"My room is upstairs," I quietly told them as I walked past them and over to the steps. They followed me up to mine and my sister's room. Without saying anything, I grabbed my duffle bag and opened my drawer, grabbing whatever clothes I had. Most of them my sister took, her roommates took, or I had to get rid of because she only gave me two drawers.

I didn't even notice, but as I was packing, my hands were shaking. Being back in this house after admitting everything freaked me out. I had a lot of worries, especially my sister coming back.

"Hey, it's ok," Luke grabbed my hands, making me stop packing.

"Take some deep breaths," Sierra reminded me, so I obeyed her and took shaky breaths.

"How about you and Sierra go outside? I'll finish getting your clothes together,"

"There's girl stuff in there though," I stuttered.

He chuckled at my comment, "I do Sierra's laundry, it's ok," he promised me and I nodded. Sierra wrapped an arm around me and led me back outside. As Luke finished getting my bag together, Sierra and I sat on the steps as I calmed down.

"I hate being in there," I hiccuped.

"I know, that's the last time you have to be in there,"

"Can we please go?"

"Luke is finishing up right now," Sierra reassured me. "Do you want to talk?"

"No, it's too much,"

"That's ok, if you want to talk I'm right here," she promised. We were silent as I picked at my nails, waiting for Luke. There were other things I wanted other than my clothes, but they were things I could live without. That was, until I remembered the one thing I did need.

"My blanket is on the couch," I looked at Sierra, who looked up from the ground.

"What does it look like? I'll grab it,"

"It's light pink and light yellow, but really faded. It has some holes in it too," I listed off. She was taken off guard by the description, but nodded and went back into the house. After a couple of minutes, she came back out holding the blanket.

"This it?"

'Yeah, thank you," she handed it to me.

"Are we ready?" I turned and saw Luke coming out.

"Yeah," Sierra nodded along with me. "Let's head home,"

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