thirty two

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"Headphones ok?" I asked Amber as she moved them off of her ears.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"When you fall asleep I'll take them off," I promised her and she nodded. She put them back on and laid down in bed, pulling the covers over herself. I had somehow convinced everyone to go to the firework show, which none of them really were excited about, but still went since it was on the agenda. I was actually happy they all went, it gave me time to just spend with Sierra and Amber, though the time was mostly spent with Amber getting ready for bed.

Tomorrow we were going boating, which was exciting. As much as I loved being on vacation, I did miss home. I missed Petunia, work, and the comfort of our home. I could tell Amber was missing it as well, yesterday and today wore her out. Sadly, it was only Monday. We had till Friday, then we left.

"You look tired," Sierra chuckled, coming in from the bathroom.


"Both you and Amber," she hummed before getting into bed. "We'll be home soon, these next couple of days will keep up occupied,"

"I hope,"

"If you want to leave early, we can book a flight,"

"No, I want to stay. We all agreed to go, and it's just a couple more days,"

"When you get home you're going to complain about wanting a vacation," she chuckled.

"I know," I agreed with a smile.

"She fell asleep quickly," Sierra smiled, gently removing Amber's headphones.

"She's exhausted,"

"For good reason," Sierra said.

"I researched some psychiatrist, I'm going to take her when we get back,"

"Margaret set up a dentist appointment, and Calum is going to give her a check up," Sierra told me, which relieved me. I was grateful she got our friends to do that, and not a stranger.

"Sounds good,"

"I think when we get back we should take her out, spoil her a little bit,"

"I agree," I nodded. "You should get some rest,"

"As should you,"

"You didn't sleep last night, I slept too much," I chuckled.

"Don't stay up too late, we're boating,"

"I won't," I promised. She soon fell asleep, and I broke that promise. I couldn't help but stay awake for the firework show, making sure Amber didn't wake up. Luckily the noise was pretty drowned out, but in my opinion it was still loud. Sadly, those worries I had became true when I saw her stir, instantly making me grab the headphones and put them over her ears. That woke her up, but I held her hands, pulling her back to reality. I couldn't talk to her, knowing that would require the headphones to come off, so I just held her.

She curled up next to me as I kept my arms around her. I could feel her shaking and her heart racing, but she was still more calm than the first time, probably because she expected it. There wasn't anything being said, but she still stayed curled up next to me, starting to calm down more until she was back asleep. I didn't move her though, I still held her.

I was proud of myself for handling it without Sierra. Of course she taught me some of the tactics to help, and they did. But, I still did it myself. I was able to calm her down, and she was safe. She was back asleep without going into a full blown panic attack, and I helped her.

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