thirty eight

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"Food," dad brought up the Panera bag Michael and Crystal dropped off. Mom did end up getting sick as well, so now we were all stuck here together. It had been a couple of days, and I was feeling a little better. Dad was feeling fine for the most part, but mom had it the worst. SHe still was a trooper though. She kept taking care of me and dad, putting us first, and I had no idea how. She was definitely the strongest person I knew.

"Thank you," mom lightly smiled. Dad felt her forehead, then planted a kiss on it before moving onto me. 

"You both don't have fevers,"

"It's cold," I mumbled. Dad sat the bag down and passed me his sweatshirt, letting me put it on as he passed out the food.

"When are you going back to work?" mom asked.

"Soon hopefully, I want you both to get better first,"

"Don't worry about us," mom sat up, "I can handle it,"

"Absolutely not," dad shook his head. "I'm staying till we are all ok, you did that for me,"

"I still don't feel well," I said as dad handed me some soup.

"Weak immune system," he responded.

"That was mean,"

"But true, we gotta update your vaccinations," he explained. I shrugged and took a spoon from the bag, beginning to eat quietly. Mom and dad were talking about work, but I didn't join the conversation. The medicine I was taking made me exhausted, which was the same for mom. Dad, however, got a lot of energy from it. So right now he was the one moving around and getting things done.

"All done?" mom asked once I put the lid back on the cup and sat it on the nightstand.

"I'm tired," I responded, laying back down.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah, just really tired,"

"Well, get some rest then. We'll wake you for dinner," dad said. I nodded and let myself drift off to sleep until I was woken up by Petunia licking my face. I turned my head to see mom asleep, but no sign of dad. Knowing Petunia wouldn't let me sleep, I pulled myself out of bed and went downstairs. On the couch, dad was on facetime with someone, but turned his attention to me when I came down.

"Well, look who's up," he smiled. "Wanna say hi to Ashton?"

"Yeah," I nodded and sat beside him.

"How are you feeling?" Ashton asked when I appeared on the screen.


"Is your chest better?"


"Maybe take her off the medication," Ashton suggested.

"That might be best," dad agreed, moving the hair out of my face. The two talked a little bit more until Ashton had to go, so dad hung up and turned his attention to me.

"I want to see Ashton again,"

"You will soon, I think he needs company," dad told me.


"He broke up with Margaret," he answered.

"That's sad,"

"It is, he's trying to stay positive though,"

"Maybe we can send him flowers?" I suggested, looking up at dad who sent me a smile.

"That's a great idea, I'll go get my laptop and we'll order them,"

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