thirty five

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I had fallen asleep early in the evening with Petunia, but woke up with a fit of coughing. As I tried to stop and catch my breath, I found the same difficulty as if I was having an anxiety attack. Once my coughs had stopped, I got out of bed, walking down the hallway, instantly making my coughs come back as I approached mom and dad's room. When I had opened the door, I didn't bother being quiet or respecting them sleeping: it was an emergency.

I flipped on the light, making them both wake up to shield their eyes, "Amber, what's wrong?" mom was the first to ask as she adjusted to light.

"It hurts," I barely got out, making them both worry.

"What hurts, baby?" dad asked as I came over to him, pointing at my chest. "From coughing?" I shook my head, making him get up.

"ER?" mom questioned and he nodded.

"I'm not messing with her breathing,"

"It hurts," I wheezed out, before sobbing, but not being able to breathe.

"Amber, you gotta calm down, you're making it worse," dad told me.

"We're right here, we're going to go see what's wrong. There's nothing to be worried about, we'll get it all fixed," mom reassured me, cupping my face and having me look at her. "Try to take breaths. I know it hurts, but you need to catch your breath right now," Though it did hurt, I listened to her and forced myself to stop crying.

Dad didn't bother to crate Petunia, but we were quickly out the door and off to the ER. Mom sat in the back with me, holding my hand as she wiped the tears that kept falling down my face. I didn't want to go to the hospital, and none of the guys were working, but I was honestly worried about what was wrong.

After dad signed me in, we were quickly called back. They had taken all my vitals, gotten me and Xray, and bloodwork. I laid on the bed with mom as we waited for a doctor to come back to tell us what was wrong. Being honest, I had never felt this horrible. It felt as if I was drowning: physically and mentally. Once one thing was fixed, something went horribly wrong. I was grateful for mom and dad though, they always seemed to pull me out of whatever situation I was in.

"I'm cold," I mumbled. Dad pressed the nurses button next to me. Normally I would protest, not wanting to bother anyone, but it was freezing. When the nurse came in, dad asked if she could get another blanket, which she did quickly and threw it over me and mom. As she was leaving, the doctor came back in.

"It's pneumonia," she announced. "I'm prescribing an antibiotic, but I would recommend a humidifier and hot showers,"

"On her records, was she given the vaccines that can help prevent it?" dad questioned.

"Not to my knowledge, when she is better we can give them to her," she offered and dad nodded.

"We'll set those appointments up,"

"I'll send the prescription to your pharmacy," she offered. "But you're free to go," Dad thanked her and we left, me tiredly leaning against mom.

"I'll take the day off tomorrow, I know you have a lot of appointments,"

"Are you sure" mom asked and he nodded.

"I want both of you," I mumbled, feeling more tears fill my vision. I had no idea why I was so emotional right now, but I was, and it wouldn;t stop.

"I'll be back in the afternoon, and I'll bring some stuff to help you feel better," mom kissed the top of my head. "We'll get you better soon,"

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