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"How long are we here?" Amber asked as she held Sierra's hand. The three of us were walking into the hospital for our day, and I was happy we had gotten Amber a phone so she wouldn't be bored all day.

"Till four," Sierra answered. "If you need me you can text or call me, I'll be with patients and those are confidential sessions, like how yours was,"

"I'll be in and out of the office, our friends might come and see you too," I told her.

"Sierra said they were coming over tonight,"

"To plan for our vacation," I said. "They're excited to see you,"

"I'm excited to see them," she lightly smiled, "especially Ashton,"

"He's your favorite, huh?"

"He said he would take me to do something fun without you guys,"

"That sounds like Ashton," I chuckled. We went into the hospital and I took Amber up to my office, which was on a different floor from Sierra's. She settled down on the couch, bringing the fuzzy blue blanket over her body as she laid on her side, putting in headphones to watch a video. Meanwhile, I sat at my desk going through paperwork before leaving for my rounds.

"About time you got in," I looked over to see Calum coming over.

"I have a kid now," I reminded him.
"Is she here?"

"Yeah, in my office,"

"Rough night?" he chuckled.

"That obvious?"

"A little,"

"She didn't sleep well, so I didn't sleep,"

"Sounds like parenting shit," he laughed. "You're already ahead of the game,"

"I guess," I sighed. "I don't even know if she considers me a father,"

"Does it matter?" he questioned.

"She considers Sierra a mother,"

"Did she tell you that?" he asked as we leaned against the desk outside of the rooms.


"Then how do you know?"

"Assuming," I shrugged. "She loves Sierra,"

"Luke, she loves you too," Calum reassured me.

"I'm not sure,"

"Believe me, she does," he promised. "We all saw how much she latched onto you two, plus you were the first person to see what she needed. I think that you're just jealous of how she can talk to Sierra about certain stuff," he shrugged.

"Hey," I scoffed.

"You need to remember Sierra is a trainer professional with trauma, so obviously if it's between a cardiologist or a psychiatrist to talk to about problems, she's going to go to the psychiatrist,"

"She can still go to me,"

"Let her know she can. She's been given one person since her dad passed away that she can talk to and said that it was ok that she could talk to. No one else has offered that," he picked up his iPad and started walking off.

"Where are you going?"

"To see my niece, duh," he rolled his eyes. I chuckled, but followed him back to my office where Amber was. WHen we came in, she looked up from her phone and instantly a smile grew on her face.

"Hi Calum," she greeted, taking out her airpods.

"Hey kiddo, how are you?" he smiled back.


"Didn't sleep well?" he questioned and she shook her head. "I'm sorry to hear that,"

"It's ok," she shrugged. "Are you coming over tonight?"

"I am," he nodded. "Would you like me to bring a treat?" he offered, which made her think for a moment.

"Maybe brownies?"

"You got it," he said. "I gotta get back to work, I'll see you later,"

"Bye," she waved. Calum gave me a pat on the back before he exited, closing the door. I took a seat back at my desk, silence taking over the room until I broke it.

"Hey Amber," I gained her attention.

"Yeah?" she questioned, taking her airpods back out.

"If you ever want to talk about anything, you can always talk to me," I offered.

"I can?"

"Absolutely, you can talk to me about anything,"

"Thanks Luke," she lightly smiled as she looked down. I smiled back, feeling a weight off my shoulder as I finally went back to my work.

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